This is the place for our collection of biased BBC tweets. The full explanation of the project can be read here. The BBC’s official policy on the use of Social Media can be seen here (NB: pdf file). This is not meant to prove that all tweets are biased, nor is it meant to prove that all BBC staff are 100% of the Left. Many BBC employees are fairly responsible with Twitter, and do not tweet their political opinions at all. This collection of evidence is meant to demonstrate that those who do freely tweet their personal political and ideological opinions are nearly all of the Left. Many departments of the BBC are represented here, featuring not only on-air talent but website writers, editors, and producers behind the scenes. This also demonstrates that in many cases the line between official and personal accounts has been blurred so much as to be essentially non-existent, contrary to BBC guidelines. The whole BBC social media policy needs to be trashed and re-examined.
Now we’re inviting everyone to keep an eye out for more of this and post tweets in the comments section. Please post the embed code of you can, rather than the basic URL, as that will ensure the tweet remains visible if the Beeboid gets caught and deletes it, or starts protecting their feed. Saving screenshots just in case is encouraged as well. There’s also a feature so you can more easily add those to a comment if you no longer have the link or the tweet has gone down the memory hole.
Please keep in mind that this is about showing their personal political/ideological opinion, not just tweeting about an issue you don’t like. Have a look at the tweets in the collection, and you’ll get the idea of what we’re after. No retweets, please, unless the Beeboid has added a personal note like “Ha!” or something else revealing their opinion. The standard disclaimer is that RTs do not equal endorsement, and they’re otherwise of no use to us.
NB: Just to keep this as clean as possible, once a new tweet posted in the comments has been added to the main collection, the comment itself will be deleted. That way, we can keep track of what’s been added and what hasn’t yet, and avoid duplication. This is a group effort, and this growing collection will be worth it.
We hope that, with everyone’s assistance, the pile of evidence will continue to grow. After all, it’s not like the BBC staff will stop tweeting their opinions, so it’s up to us to catch them. Some will be screenshots or some other form of publishing because the actual tweets have been deleted after the BBC staff member responsible was caught. With one exception, there are no retweets here, as that’s a separate debate. A comprehensive research project is far beyond our means for the time being, but just scanning through so many of them tells us that, for many BBC employees, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Note the trends on certain issues.
How to embed a tweet: Click on the number to the right of the tweet which indicates how long ago the tweet was posted (e.g. “20 hrs” or “Mar 13”) to open the tweet in its own window/tab. Then click on the “More” link below the tweet, then click “Embed Tweet”. Copy and paste that highlighted code into the comment box. That’s it. Don’t worry if you don’t see the person’s avatar before posting the comment.
Kaye Adams, BBC Scotland radio presenter
KAYE Adams, the BBC broadcaster, has been accused of being unfit to present a top current affairs programmes after she tweeted that Boris Johnson “should p*** off back to boarding school”.
The former presenter of Loose Women, the ITV talk show, who presents a popular Radio Scotland show, was on holiday in Tuscany when she made a series of expletive-filled Tweets about London’s mayor. She has now apologised and deleted the comments from her Twitter site.
Sarah Afshar, Senior producer for Newsnight
Giles Fraser is great #newsnight
— Sara Afshar (@SaraAfshar) January 4, 2012
@jossgarman I actually cheered at one point
— Sara Afshar (@SaraAfshar) January 4, 2012
Anita Anand, BBC radio broadcaster
Very impressed with Janet Ellis on the wright stuff talking about David starkey.
— anita anand (@tweeter_anita) August 16, 2011
In case anyone isn’t sure who Anand is, a charming photo of her can be seen here. The other person in that photo is the star of his own R5 Live show:
Richard Bacon.
Can’t find the link but the Sarah Palin extract in Sunday Times Review is fascinating again. So self serving & transparent.
— richard bacon (@richardpbacon) November 29, 2009
Did you just see Obama’s speech. My God, had there been a better political orator in own time? Last 6 or so mins were remarkable I thought.
— richard bacon (@richardpbacon) September 10, 2009
Here’s a screenshot of Bacon telling his followers to check out a vicious anti-Palin article by her personal womb inspector, Andrew Sullivan.
Wendy Bailey, former BBC Radio broadcaster, producer Children in Need, and lots more.
@mehdirhasan it’s a game – Tories say this line ever chance they get – I hope it backfires. People aren’t stupid. #BBCQT — wendy bailey (@wendybaileypr) November 8, 2012
@bbcfreespeech you bet I’m interested in who is US President! I just hope to God it’s Obama – as the alternative is untenable. — wendy bailey (@wendybaileypr) November 6, 2012
Ros Ball, BBC Parliament correspondent (with an activist statement photo on her Twitter page)
@politicalyeti *Wonder* if the Tories are sending out information to staff about sexual harassment procedures at the moment, like the BBC — Ros Ball (@Rosball) October 17, 2012
Today, BBC Sports Personality of the Year has been brought to you by the letter P, for patriarchy — Ros Ball (@Rosball) November 29, 2011
Lucy Worsley crush is so justified. She was an 11yr old Marxist & said David Starkey looks like a cross owl: — Ros Ball (@Rosball) September 8, 2011
Bob Ballard, BBC Radio commentator on swimming and diving
ladies and gentlemen..possibly the next President of the the lifeboats now.… — Bob Ballard (@bobballardsport) August 15, 2011
And..lest we forget..the leader of the free world is a Hammer – well done Barack – see you at Ken’s Caff soon… — Bob Ballard (@bobballardsport) November 7, 2012
Mark Barlex, BBC On Demand editor, tweeted from the BBC College of Journalism account(!)
Mark Barlex:”The gift that keeps on giving” — BBC Journalism (@BBCCollege) February 15, 2010
The “gift” is the video hosted on the BBC website of that Iraqi reporter throwing a shoe at George Bush.
Mark Barlex: “Beautifully constructed;beautifully realised. The Obama Inaug piece is still important.” 150,000 hits
— BBC Journalism (@BBCCollege) February 15, 2010
He’s talking about the Newsnight report on the inauguration speech which the BBC edited to make the President sound more Green-friendly.
Mark Blank-Settle, BBC College of Journalism social media maven
Wow. Sarah Palin put a bullseye on the Arizona congresswoman who’s been shot in the head: #Giffords — marc blank-settle (@MarcSettle) January 8, 2011
Claire Bolderson, BBC presenter
I love the guy but #polishdeathcamps is a bad Obama gaffe especially as scripted not off the cuff — Claire Bolderson (@ClaireBolderson) May 30, 2012
Peter Bowes, BBC correspondent in the US
RT @leodicaprio: Climate victory in Cancun but still a long road ahead. Good summary here: #ecomonday — Peter Bowes (@peterbowes) December 14, 2010
Jane Bradley, BBC Midlands Current Affairs producer
Cannot believe Chomsky, Pilger, Assange are speaking in Trafalgar Sq and I’m too sodding hungover to go. From my sofa, I urge you all to GO. — Jane Bradley (@jane__bradley) October 8, 2011
Thoughtful piece on politics & music – worth a read: MT @tom_watson A defence of folk singer @fthc by @billybragg… — Jane Bradley (@jane__bradley) September 9, 2012
Ha RT @afneil: Washington Post to Romney: rule number one when visiting a foreign country. Don’t insult it. #Romneyshambles — Jane Bradley (@jane__bradley) July 27, 2012
Watching it as an adult, pretty sure Pocahontas isn’t actually a love story but a warning against capitalism & imperialism. Disney style. — Jane Bradley (@jane__bradley) July 22, 2012
Toby Brown, BBC News Channel producer
Am reading an essay on American capitalism and it’s effect on women. 50% jealous of academia. 50% glad to be out of it…
— Toby Brown (@browntoby) April 19, 2012
Martha Buckley-Flynn, BBC journalist
Margaret Hodge is just fab #womanshour #r4
— Martha Buckley-Flynn (@MarthaBF) September 20, 2013
Oh go on, Hodge for Mayor!
— Martha Buckley-Flynn (@MarthaBF) September 20, 2013
Buckley-Flynn deleted the tweet endorsing Hodge for mayor after getting caught.
Mario Cacciottolo, BBC journalist
Dear America. Your president is cool, witty and classy. Everyone likes you more when he’s in charge. Love, The Rest of The World — Mario Cacciottolo (@SOTMario) November 7, 2012
Jennifer Clarke
Shut up going on about how great Manchester is George Osborne. We know it is and flattery will not buy our votes. Now kindly fuck off.
She soon got caught out, tweet and entire account deleted before we could get the embed code. Original tweet url was:!/jenrclarke/status/120849989885902848. She then set up a new account @jennyfleur88. Tweets protected now. Katie Connolly, ex-BBC US correspondent. From Newsweek to the BBC, now works at a Democrat strategy group, worked on the campaign to re-elect the President. Go figure. Lots of tweets, too much to post here, but Craig’s list and full analysis can be read here. Highlights:
this palin speech is more like a stand up routine, esp with the redneck jokes 1,273,863,138,000.00 via TweetDeck ouch. sarah palin calls us the lamestream media. #palin #nra RT @chucktodd: FOIA-requested Todd Palin related emails involving Palin’s time in office in Alaska now up on 1,265,387,931,000.00 via TweetDeck My boss Jon Meacham responds to critics of our Sarah Palin cover photo 1,258,492,120,000.00 via TweetDeck
She regularly corresponded with a number of JournoListas, and RTed their groupthink as often as possible.
Andy Dangerfield, BBC journalist
Corker edition of @BBCr4today this morning guest edited by @PJHarveyUK –
— Andy Dangerfield (@andydangerfield) January 2, 2014
Matt Danzico, BBC News reporter in the US, and former Obama campaigner. His Twitter page has both the disclaimer and the BBC logo wallpaper
Brooklyn! @bobulate and @brainpicker want your books TODAY to rebuild the #OWS collection. Details #OWSBookmobile — Matt Danzico (@mattdanzico) November 19, 2011
UK discussing environmental budget cuts while Chicago goes into global warming-sparked deep freeze.
— Matt Danzico (@mattdanzico) January 7, 2014
Doing some cold calling in Bushwick to get that vote out mister. — Matt Danzico (@mattdanzico) November 4, 2008
(This last one is from before Danzico worked for the BBC. This was from back when he was working for the 2008 campaign. Usually people go work for a political party or campaign after a stint at the BBC. This is included here to demonstrate both his consistency and as an example of what is not an obstacle to being hired as an impartial journalist.) Several more can be seen here.
Evan Davis, Today presenter, host of Dragon’s Den. His first tweet on the passing of Margaret Thatcher:
“This woman is headstrong, obstinate and dangerously self-opinionated” ICI personnel dept on rejecting Margaret Roberts for a job in 1948 — Evan Davis (@EvanHD) April 8, 2013
Jo Deahl, BBC journalist
George Zimmerman. I know it’s been said all day but… Really? REALLY? — Jo Deahl (@elvisismyguru) July 14, 2013
Tom Donkin, journalist for BBC News Online Magazine
Whatever his faults or criticisms – #Obama is the coolest president there is… — Tom (@TomDonkin1) April 25, 2012
Who’da thought @snoopdogg could be one of #Obama‘s most articulate supporters. Great endorsement… — Tom (@TomDonkin1) September 12, 2012
Gavin Esler, newsreader, presenter for Newsnight and Dateline
1990s verbal attacks on US govt linked by Bill Clinton to the violence of Oklahoma bombing. 2011? Congresswoman on political hit list shot. — Gavin Esler (@gavinesler) January 9, 2011
Stephanie Flanders, BBC Economics editor
Ryan is risky VP choice for Romney. Republicans now so extreme, his main appeal 4 swing voters was record as a moderate. Ryan anything but. — Stephanie Flanders (@BBCStephanie) August 11, 2012
Matt Frei, ex-BBC, now with C4, former anchor of BBC World News America
Could the GOP now define itself in its reaction to healthcare reform in a way it might regret later this year. Remember Tories = Nasty Party — Matt Frei (@mattfrei) March 22, 2010
Leah Gooding, newsreader for BBC Newsround (Screenshot because Jude Machin changed the avatar after complaints, relevant tweet deleted.)
Kim Gittleson, BBC business reporter in the US
On a US town doubling the minimum wage:
As US #fastfoodstrikes get underway workers in SeaTac, WA serve as an inspiration @BBCNewsUS
— Kim Gittleson (@kgittleson) December 5, 2013
Jeremy Hardy, BBC Radio broadcaster
News Quiz returns on September 9th. The BBC has decreed that we should always have a right-wing guest – hopefully unarmed. — Jeremy Hardy (@JeremyJHardy) August 1, 2011
This bullshit moral panic about women wearing veils is a distraction from the very real problem of people wearing red trousers — Jeremy Hardy (@JeremyJHardy) September 17, 2013
David Starkey’s words must be viewed in context. He’s always been a cunt. — Jeremy Hardy (@JeremyJHardy) August 13, 2011
I made that up about the family crest. But you can lie about Tories because there is a higher truth: they’re cunts. — Jeremy Hardy (@JeremyJHardy) April 22, 2010
Laura Harmes, BBC Radio 5 Live producer
So sad at Trayvon Martin verdict. Forget race, how can it be right that an unarmed boy gets pursued and shot dead and his killer walks free? — Laura Harmes (@lauraharmes) July 14, 2013
@ageywage @NatashaSHenry it appears it is. My point was look at the basic facts of the case. A man killing an innocent boy. — Laura Harmes (@lauraharmes) July 14, 2013
Jim Hawkins, BBC Radio Shropshire (One of many presenters who uses his “unofficial, personal” account as the official one for a BBC show)
US Congresswoman Giffords shot dead had been ‘targeted’ by Sarah Palin’s website — Jim Hawkins (@jimallthetime) January 8, 2011
@biasedbbcblog @davidacgregory LOL! Cheers, David, hadn’t realised they were still plugging on. Bless ’em — Jim Hawkins (@jimallthetime) November 22, 2011
So we’re spending very slightly more on foreign aid than we are on the police. And … ? Some people seem annoyed by this — Jim Hawkins (@jimallthetime) October 17, 2012
Stephanie Hegarty, BBC World Service journalist
Wishing #ChelseaManning all the best — Stephanie Hegarty (@stephhegarty) August 22, 2013
Way to spoil the party Benjamin LIVE: Iran nuclear deal — Stephanie Hegarty (@stephhegarty) November 24, 2013
Rhys Hughes, BBC Radio 1 producer
@chicagowhite let’s hope so. MOT — Rhys Hughes (@RhysHughes) November 4, 2012
Here’s what his avatar was until DB exposed it here and somebody told Hughes to clean up his act.
@realdonaldtrump democracy hurts eh Donny? — Rhys Hughes (@RhysHughes) November 7, 2012
And to think she could have been VP of the USA ???RT @huey: Palin defends Duck Dynasty star’s homophobic comments.
— Rhys Hughes (@RhysHughes) December 19, 2013
@huey one nation under God or else!!
— Rhys Hughes (@RhysHughes) December 19, 2013
Roland Hughes, BBC World News broadcaster and journalist On owning an appliance bought at an Israeli-run store in Brighton:
Feel quite conflicted about owning a SodaStream now. — Roland Hughes (@hughesroland) September 30, 2013
Tweet deleted after he got caught. Then, after a popular actress severed ties with Oxfam over their criticisms of her for appearing in adverts for the product, Hughes tweeted this:
I’m not proud of this.
— Roland Hughes (@hughesroland) January 30, 2014
Which he then deleted within a couple of hours, after being called on it, hence the screenshot.
Katty Kay, anchor, BBC World News America and pundit in official BBC capacity on MSNBC and other show
Campaigning suspended in France’s presidential election after shooting in Toulouse. But did political tone contribute to horrific killings? — Katty Kay (@KattyKayBBC) March 20, 2012
Growing Inequity between rich and poor is not just a social injustice, it creates economic problems. — Katty Kay (@KattyKayBBC) August 31, 2011
Palin, Limbaugh, Thatcher, the Guardian and summer madness. Hilarious. via @guardian — Katty Kay (@KattyKayBBC) June 10, 2011
Supporting the Democrat nuclear option on Bill Maher’s show last night:
“You have to make government work, and the filibuster as it is now does not make American government work.” @KattyKayBBC #RealTime — Said Arikat (@SMArikat) November 23, 2013
Except in 2005 Katty was saying the nuclear option was a bad idea – when the GOP was threatening it.
We are all better off with more women at the top – Women wielding notable influence in Congress via @washingtonpost
— Katty Kay (@KattyKayBBC) January 17, 2014
Rachel Kennedy, BBC News editor
Screenshot because Kennedy deleted the tweets after Guido Fawkes linked to DB’s post on them and it gained wider attention. Same goes for this one:
Suzanne Kianpour, Capitol Hill producer at BBC News On Hillary Clinton stepping down as Sec. of State:
Hillary #Clinton, a global inspiration and one who will go down in history. Now, 5 things to learn from… — Suzanne Kianpour (@KianpourWorld) February 8, 2013
Justine Lang, BBC Producer, thought it appropriate to tweet the following on the same day the BBC came under fire for its self-indulgent, over-the-top, Mandela covarege.
#Mandela ANC memorial. Got the tshirt!
— Justine Lang (@justteaplease) December 14, 2013
Dominic Laurie, Business presenter for Radio 5 Live
Now the NHS. so we’ve had the china up yours. Now it’s the US Romney up yours! #socialism — Dominic Laurie (@dominic_laurie) July 27, 2012
RT@ismh Just gave my kids a kiss as they sleep. Thanks to healthcare reform I can afford to insure them both not just the one without cancer — Dominic Laurie (@dominic_laurie) November 7, 2012
Big event this week is attempt by Palestinians to get enhanced observer status at UN Gen Ass on Thursday. Another log on the fire. — Dominic Laurie (@dominic_laurie) November 26, 2012
Lauren Laverne, BBC Radio 6 DJ and presenter
Still thinking abt Pete Seeger's amazing century on earth. Loved & hated by precisely the right people. What a guy.
— Lauren Laverne (@laurenlaverne) January 28, 2014
Jasmine Lawrence, BBC News Channel editor
@TheWomensRoomUK what utter crap
— Jasmine Lawrence (@journomummy) November 21, 2013
Just 5? “@D_Blanchflower: Five reasons why women (and especially mothers) don’t like David Cameron | via @Telegraph”
— Jasmine Lawrence (@journomummy) November 30, 2013
Richard Leeming, BBC Digital exectuive. First tweet on Margaret Thatcher’s passing:
I made a playlist to mark today’s event… — Richard Leeming (@dickdotcom) April 8, 2013
Powerful article on the scourge of inequality by Will Hutton via @guardian #essentialreading
— Richard Leeming (@dickdotcom) January 19, 2014
Why did john humphreys put on a silly voice just then when he said “a little bit too socialist”?
— Richard Leeming (@dickdotcom) January 18, 2014
@SteveDoherty1 I got the impression that it’s because he thinks Socialism is a very bad thing
— Richard Leeming (@dickdotcom) January 18, 2014
Jackie Leonard, presenter of The Newsroom on the BBC World Service (tweet deleted after DB called her on it)
.@Ponifex RT @Catniptwoshoes: @apakula If the Pope excommunicated Paul Ryan I would convert to Catholicism. — Jackie Leonard (@JackieLeonard01) November 23, 2013
Brian Limond, “controversial” BBC Scotland comedian
“Would Prince William write to FIFA on behalf of the Scotland team wearing poppies? No. Cos he thinks ENGLAND won the war.” This message was quickly followed by; “I’d love to slide a samurai sword up Prince William’s arse to the hilt, then yank it towards me like a door that won’t f@*king open.” This was eventually followed by another anti-Royal family message: “Absolutely f@*k England and its royal wee family living it up while pensioners freeze to death.”
Tweets deleted after complaints. More here.
Sue Llewellyn, BBC social media expert
This is the only Retweet with no commentary in this collection, included here as evidence of the groupthink regarding Sarah Palin, and particularly the blood libel so many BBC journalists and other staff tried to push. Even one of the BBC’s experts in social media felt free to retweet such a thing. Now for an original tweet:
So Cameron doesn’t know what Magna Carta means. What would Andrew Mitchell (allegedly) say about that? — Sue Llewellyn (@suellewellyn) September 27, 2012
Jude Machin, BBC journalist, formerly US-based, now in UK (See Leah Gooding above) Screenshots because it’s all been sent down the memory hole after she got caught, then got caught again, then got caught again.
@leahgooding I am not very impartial when it comes to US politics! x — Jude Machin (@judemachin) October 6, 2012
James Macintyre, former BBC Question Time producer, now political editor for Prospect magazine and Ed Miliband’s biographer
That the BBC is leftwing is one of the biggest myths in British public life. Only helps Murdoch in the end. — James Macintyre (@James_Macintyre) March 20, 2012
Chris Mason, BBC political correspondent Screenshot because his Twitter feed archive wouldn’t go back far enough.
Paul Mason Newsnight economics editor (now ex-BBC)
@chedzzz if I ever own a dog I will call him Gramsci — Paul Mason (@paulmasonnews) March 31, 2010
@warrenellis @greg_palast @pennyred sorry I missed it – on air, dammit! — Paul Mason (@paulmasonnews) June 26, 2012
Hear that America? NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE — Paul Mason (@paulmasonnews) July 27, 2012
@ravmattu @PJHarveyUK @BBCr4today two words: Gaza Flotilla – on balance yes; the whole truth
— Paul Mason (@paulmasonnews) January 2, 2014
(Yes, this last one was after Mason left the BBC, but it’s still evidence of what the Beeboids really think.)
Ian McGarry Radio 5 Live journalist On the passing of Margaret Thatcher (tweet deleted two days later after word spread):
Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead. — Ian McGarry (@garbosj) April 8, 2013
@stancollymore Irony is that Thatcher would’ve tried to close down Twitter on the basis that it gives freedom of speech to disenfranchised. — Ian McGarry (@garbosj) April 8, 2013
As a child of Thatcher’s Britain I owe first awareness of politics to her. And a lifelong distrust/dislike of the Conservative Party. — Ian McGarry (@garbosj) April 8, 2013
Bill McKenna, BBC News producer for North America,
I know it’s hard for the #RightWing to understand but one reason #JimCarrey has a #bodyguard is because there are so many nutjobs with guns. — Bill McKenna (@wmckdc) March 31, 2013
#Conservatives celebrate and #America loses. Will the victory lap end with the next mass shooting? . — Bill McKenna (@wmckdc) April 18, 2013
#JayLeno #NBC Jay Leno’s still on the air? Maybe the nutjobs at Fox – #RogerAiles & #RupertMurdoch – should hire him? — Bill McKenna (@wmckdc) March 24, 2013
This one is for #Shrub and #Cheney — Bill McKenna (@wmckdc) March 22, 2013
@MotherJones @kdrum Mr. Drum, you’ve done it again. I love the line: “If the whackjobs start frothing at the mouth over it, let ’em froth.” — Bill McKenna (@wmckdc) May 24, 2013
@MotherJones Who will provide the material for comedy writers & keep the fact checkers busy? — Bill McKenna (@wmckdc) May 30, 2013
@HuffingtonPost Why did it take so long? — Bill McKenna (@wmckdc) June 5, 2013
John Mervin, BBC News New York business editor
Win the future. WTF? President Obama appears to have sidestepped Social Security as well. — john mervin (@jnmervin) April 13, 2011
Shame Time doesn’t have the same influence any more, because this needs to be said. Again and again. — john mervin (@jnmervin) June 17, 2011
Link goes to Time magazine article about how “Conservatives have lost touch with reality”
“Ann drives a couple of Cadillacs, actually.”Mind boggling. — john mervin (@jnmervin) February 25, 2012
Claudia Milne, editor BBC News Online US edition
@jamesfallows just on BBC World News America – he is my hero — Claudia Milne (@claudmilne) May 2, 2012
Fallows was Jimmy Carter’s speechwriter and is a popular Left-wing pundit.
Daniel Nasaw, US-based editor of the US & Canada page of BBC News website, and feature writer for BBC News Online Magazine
Romney pledges to repeal the “death” (estate) tax, which only the wealthiest pay // Who can blame him for looking out for his children?? — Daniel Nasaw (@danielnasaw) March 7, 2012
Romney’s record: Got rich, lured corporate sponsors for the ’02 Olympics, signed an individual mandate, ran for president. Anything else? — Daniel Nasaw (@danielnasaw) May 25, 2012
Always hoped he’d run for NYC mayor, to see him take on a sanitation strike MT @mattyglesias: Clinton as WH Press Sec’y would be amazing — Daniel Nasaw (@danielnasaw) September 7, 2012
Elettra Neysmith, BBC journalist/broadcaster
@andyburnhammp We all love the NHS; no debate. Can’t really say the same of Mrs T…. — Elettra Neysmith (@Elettralux) July 5, 2013
Agreeing with the sentiment that a “not guilty” verdict for George Zimmerman means it’s “open season on black boys” in the US:
Tragic when just being, makes you a legitimate target. “Gary Younge: Open #TrayvonMartin — Elettra Neysmith (@Elettralux) July 14, 2013
Sent before the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial: #TrayvonMartin #JusticeForTrayvon — Elettra Neysmith (@Elettralux) July 14, 2013
Jonathan Paterson, BBC News editor
That sound? Middle England spluttering on it’s cornflakes. Provocative #r4today rogues gallery curated by @pjharveyUK
— Jonathan Paterson (@patersonjon) January 2, 2014
Matt Prodger, BBC Home Affairs correspondent
Locog should have Romneyshambles on the payroll. He’s united the nation behind the olympics at last. All hail Mr Leader. — matt prodger (@MattProdger) July 26, 2012
Usual suspects lined up against the tobin tax: Hannah, Hoban, Carswell and “spare us a penny” city traders. Suggests it could be popular. — matt prodger (@MattProdger) September 28, 2011
Save the Children says British mothers can’t afford to work because of childcare costs. M/while, we can afford a tax break for the rich. — matt prodger (@MattProdger) September 7, 2011
Robert Rea, BBC News Channel journalist
@Chelsea_Lass had he been blond and blue-eyed, Zimmerman wouldn’t have shot him. He did so because Trayvon was black. Shameful verdict — Robert Rea (@robertrea) July 14, 2013
@Chelsea_Lass and what’s worse is it wasn’t the Law that cleared Zimmerman. The Law put him on trial. It was a jury. 12 ordinary people — Robert Rea (@robertrea) July 14, 2013
Michael Rosen, BBC Radio presenter First tweet on Margaret Thatcher’s passing:
Parents, be careful when explaining to your children tonight who Thatcher was. Horror stories often best left till the morning. — Michael Rosen (@MichaelRosenYes) April 8, 2013
Bee Rowlatt, BBC World Service producer
This is ace: @richardjgodwin: Why nigel farrage is a massive idiot over maternity leave”
— Bee Rowlatt (@BeeRowlatt) January 22, 2014
Mark Sandell, editor World Have Your Say, BBC World TV and World Radio
Watching Chuck D at Cleveland conference ‘I grew up in an age of R and B – unfortunately that meant Reagan and Bush’ #nice #whys — Mark Sandell (@MRSandell) October 10, 2011
Why have few musicians got involved in Wall Street demos – has something happened to the great history of American protest? #freespeechCLE — Mark Sandell (@MRSandell) October 10, 2011
Very proud that @billybraggis on #whys talking to Occupy Cleveland demonstrators about protest music — Mark Sandell (@MRSandell) October 11, 2011
Joan Soley, BBC News Pentagon correspondent (note BBC News wallpaper despite “my views” disclaimer)
@kentishtownie Perhaps I’m just surrounded by it and yet so underwhelmed by it…also, I despise Newt. Sound of his voice = red mist o rage. — Joan Soley (@JoanSoley) March 1, 2012
@nhickey The only reason I sleep so well at night is my firm belief that he would have to first find Britain on a map… — Joan Soley (@JoanSoley) February 29, 2012
Regarding one of the Republican presidential candidate debates:
@nhickey So it seems at times…sigh. I certainly feel less intelligent having watched this freak show for over a hour already… — Joan Soley (@JoanSoley) June 14, 2011
Brett Spencer, Radio 5 Live Interactive editor Screenshot because he deleted the tweets after being caught. Mark Steel, “edgy” comedian, host of the BBC’s “The Mark Steel Solution” and other programmes, and a regular on various BBC comedy panel shows Marking the passing of Margaret Thatcher:
What a terrible shame – that it wasn’t 87 years earlier — Mark Steel (@mrmarksteel) April 8, 2013
Allegra Stratton, Newsnight political editor
Can’t believe the PM has got positive front-pages out of his back of match-box energy pre-announcement… Reckon he won’t believe it either — Allegra Stratton (@BBCAllegra) October 17, 2012
Claire Thompson, BBC 5 Live News Producer
This is where Ed M shines. Answering people’s questions. I saw him do this before he was leader at the people’s History museum. — Claire Thompson (@Claire_tea) September 10, 2013
At what point is Ed M going to hit back at the back street drivers? If I read once more, *** has some advice for the Lab leader, I’ll scream — Claire Thompson (@Claire_tea) August 19, 2013
Kate Townsend, BBC News producer, UK & US Agreeing with the sentiment that a “not guilty” verdict for George Zimmerman means it’s “open season on black boys” in the US:
Well written. Tragic. Worrying. Zimmerman walks free. — Katie Townsend (@KTnewsprod) July 14, 2013
“@guardian: Toys R Us’s Stockholm superstore goes gender neutral:” Another reason to love Sweden. Brilliant.
— Katie Townsend (@KTnewsprod) December 23, 2013
Jeremy Vine, Radio 2 host, Eggheads presenter, former Newsnight journalist (and another one who uses his “personal” account as the official one for his BBC show)
WATCH. Eleven seconds in, did Mitt Romney use a magician’s sleight of hand to produce notes, which are banned? — Jeremy Vine (@theJeremyVine) October 6, 2012
Sarah Walton, journalist for BBC Look North
“@jane__bradley: Cannot believe Chomsky, Pilger, Assange are speaking in Trafalgar Sq > WOW! Is anyone filming/streaming this online? — Sarah Walton (@SarahWaltonNews) October 8, 2011
Tim Weber, ex-BBC business & technology editor for BBC Interactive, now Director at Edelman
All you need to know about News Gingrich, in one simple cartoon (Doonesbury) — Tim Weber (@tim_weber) January 9, 2012
Slightly amused that Romney blames Obama for home foreclosures (Bush), govt debt (Bush) and gas/petrol prices (world markets). — Tim Weber (@tim_weber) April 4, 2012
US government to make profit from bailouts, Treasury says Not that Romney or any other Republican will note — Tim Weber (@tim_weber) April 16, 2012
Lucy Williamson, BBC Seoul correspondent
Next week: Tesco takes over the NHS — Lucy Williamson (@LucyWilliamson) April 26, 2010
Screenshots because Twitter feed archive doesn’t go back far enough:
Plenty more here.
And there you have it. Come see the bias inherent in the system. We’ve actually lost count of how many tweets there are and how many Beeboids are represented. And the list just keeps on growing, because, well, they just can’t help themselves, and it’s essentially condoned anyway. Until they get caught.
For balance, here’s one which appears to be from the Right by James Landale, BBC News political correspondent (h/t Jim Dandy)
Net migration down “significantly”, says ONS, from 242k to 183k. Good day to bury good news??
— James Landale (@BBCJLandale) November 29, 2012
Plus, one of them has dared to tweet something critical of Obama:
Andrew North, US correspondent
Wonder if Chinese raised Obama assault on US journos running leaks when Biden protested Chinese treatment of media
— Andrew North (@NorthAndrew) December 5, 2013
Oh, and apparently Andrew Neil is on the Right, and Nick Robinson used to be in his youth. Balanced or what?
Brilliant compilation!
Is it just me or are the links broken to the old pages?
The links were indeed broken with the domain change. Work is in progress to try and fix it.
FWIW, I have found to access them you just note the date and click on the relevant archive period.
Bit of a drag, but gets you there.
The only thing not possible until the links are sorted is quoting the URLs, as you have found.
How is
”Net migration down “significantly”, says ONS, from 242k to 183k. Good day to bury good news??”
left wing bias?
Mike O’Driscoll, read the sentence directly above it where I say this appears to be from the Right. Now, do you have anything else to say?
Isn’t Downing Street’s Head of Communications a former controller of English news output for the BBC? And does it make any difference? I’ve read your intro, but not sure what this is meant to prove…
One outlier proves balance, Jack? No, it doesn’t, nor does the existence of Nick Robinson and Andrew Neil balance out thousands of others.
I was very clear in my post what this list is meant to prove. If you don’t agree that it does, just say that this list of Left-wing opinions from across the spectrum of the BBC is not evidence of groupthink on certain issues, not the least of which is the childish fawning over the leader of a foreign country.
Kaye Adams who said that Boris Johnson should “P@@s off back to boarding school” interestingly forgets to explain that she went to one herself. Her tweet was sent from Tuscany by the way. Oh the liberal left…
Correct. With a bit of searching we find out that she went to a very expensive school in Edinburgh. (Strangely not on her Wiki profile…wonder why?)
Sound like a bunch of naive urbanite kids, to me. I detest that i have to pay the BBC money.
March 11th: BBC News promotes a Scottish Nationalist Newspaper but not a Unioninst one – the BBC is trying to break up the Union.
Please sign this petition to abolish the TV licence. Over 102,000 have already signed in a week. Pass it on.
No-one could ever call Gary Lineker a dick , could they ? No, he is not a dick, he is a PRICK !
Robin Aitkin: The truth about the BBC (by an ex BBC journalist reveals the extent of ‘the problem’. A new film covered by New Culture Forum called simply called HERESIES
Excerpt from Telegraph (dated 22nd July 2021).
There is a bulky dossier called “Producer Guidelines” which is issued to every BBC producer and sets out how every BBC programme-maker should proceed. One of its central precepts – one of the “10 commandments” if you like – is that whoever/whatever is under investigation they should be given the right of reply. So my request was exactly in-line with BBC best practice. Their response , alas, was not.
I think this refusal to be held to account, this obdurate determination not to engage with its critics is a minor scandal. The BBC is a public institution – that is our money they are spending. How dare they refuse to answer questions about their shortcomings? So here is a challenge: my film makes certain allegations about BBC bias so I now publicly invite the BBC to put up someone to answer these questions.
Robin Aitken’s ‘Heresies BBC bias exposed: An Insider’s story’
Reference 1: Telegraph
Reference 2.
Robin Aitkin is a fierce critic of the BBC who worked not only in the BBC but has seen his own work colleagues (within the BBC) unable to speak out without losing their job at the BBC – speaking out – only on retirement on what they have to put up with..