Midweek Open Thread 2 August 2018
Al beeb will want the public to forget about the Tommy Robinson Appeal as soon as possible and carry on with anti brexit propaganda . No silly season for us .
Al beeb will want the public to forget about the Tommy Robinson Appeal as soon as possible and carry on with anti brexit propaganda . No silly season for us .
Farewell to our last July in the ReichEU . The Albeeb and other main stream media is in full biased flow over brexit and other issues . Please report them here ( can some one do the link to the previous thread please ) ta
…but only succeeded in further diminishing itself. I am pleased to report to esteemed colleagues on this fine site that I finally downloaded British government documents on the Entebbe rescue opened to the public in May 2007 and pounced on by alleged journalist Dan Parkinson who was named and shamed by the indefatigable BBC Watch for triumphantly plucking part of a conspiracy theory from the documents in order to demean … Continue reading
As all the Albeeb management go off on holiday to spend taxpayers’ money we should spare a thought for all those vibrant diverse baby beeboids staying in Blighty to carry on the snowflake task of blaming so called cuts for this and that as well as suppressing incidents which al Beeb doesn’t want us to know about .
I can feel a Summer lull coming on – despite brexit – the whole BBC propaganda machine keeps chundering on so we must as well.
251 days to Brexit . The holiday season upon us. Schools out which normally means a Silly Season but perhaps that’s been going on a while now. Anyway for those dedicated to evidencing the wrongs of Albeeb here’s a fresh thread.
I mention Mr Robinson because Wednesday is due to be his appeal day. I think for any reliable report of proceedings we will need to look to non British broadcasters — if of course – the judges allow it. and as an aside it’s the Cliff Richard case result . Can you believe this is Britain ?
As President Trump leaves the political mess of Britain we come to the week where we find out whether conservative politicians put country or party first . Al beeb will fuel the fire for their own benefit and we are here to watch and record .
Our beloved al beeb is in full anti President Trump mode . It gave up any pretence of neutrality ages ago and just rants in an unfocused group think way . At times like this it is easier than normal to evidence the bias so please do….
Welcome President Trump – now that’s a phrase we won’t hear on al beeb . Al beeb is neutral , untainted by bias , a world class broadcaster , so compare that with the last time an American President visited Britain and so many embarrassed themselves in exultation. It won’t be difficult to evidence the bias but it needs to be done here. regrets Engerland But the boys dun good … Continue reading