Must be a full moon

The completely barking, lying and two-faced Anna Soubry was given plenty of airtime by the BBC to blame legitimate newsaper reports of her behaviour for alleged death threats….. Ex-Tory minister Anna Soubry says her office has received 13 death threats since a newspaper front page named her as one of 15 “Brexit mutineers”. The pro-EU Remain supporter said the police took the threats seriously and had passed two cases to … Continue reading

Tommy Knockers

Tommy Robinson was on Newsnight apparently giving them both barrels.  I haven’t seen it yet but in the meantime here’s his reaction on Twitter to being blamed for the Finsbury Park terror attack:   Just watched the Newsnight inquisition….shameless and dangerous attempt to blame the terror attack on Robinson. Wark quotes part of a tweet without the context and makes it appear Robinson wants a … Continue reading

Et Tu BBC?   ‘The decision to censor shows that our establishment is more threatened by satire, clarity and truth than by young men willing to kill, rape and pillage in the name of Islam’, wrote Mimsy, adding that ‘it was ultimately an act of national cowardice dressed up as health-and-safety rhetoric’. The problem with Darren Osborne, his urge to kill Muslims, was that he was ‘fed by a diet of on-line … Continue reading

Self-awareness…lack of

  Amused to see that BBC journos are suffering at the hands of the Machine exactly what those unencumbered with huge pay packets have to suffer….being lied about and smeared…smeared as racists and nazis if you talk about controlling immigration or Islam….. The BBC stands accused of lying and spreading smears about its most high-profile female journalists as the corporation was warned its handling of the gender pay crisis is approaching “a … Continue reading

The Road to Hell

  A lesson for the naive do-gooder activist journalists of the BBC. Merkel allegedly flung open the borders of Germany, well the whole of Europe in reality, in order to atone for Germany’s past sins against the Jews.  It must be somewhat disconcerting therefore to realise that her actions have led to an increase in anti-Semitism in Germany as the influx of Muslim immigrants brought all their prejudices and hate … Continue reading

Mid-Week Open Thread

Capita, the troubled company that the BBC outsourced its TV licence collection with menaces service to, has expanded too far and invested too little time and money. One, do they never learn?  British Leyland should be a classic case study for these companies, and two, ha, the BBC rattles on about the government ‘privatising’ services by outsourcing and the BBC does it itself….not just the licence fee of course but … Continue reading

Project Fear and Project Sneer

    The pro-EU propagandists have been out in force recently, but having learnt nothing from past failures they continue down the path of ‘persuading’ recalcitrant voters to change their minds about the dizzying delights of the Grand Project by assaulting them with reheated alarmist prophecies of doom first tried out so disastrously by the original Project Fear.  On top of that they add into the toxic mix a raft … Continue reading


  As Jordan Peterson said, it might pay to be a disagreeable woman, maybe the BBC women could learn something from C4 women…..[you’ve got 12 minutes and counting till the interview on C4 at 19:00]   I’ve arrived at @BBC to question the director-general about #genderpay but they’ve pulled the interview, despite doing every other broadcast outlet. Are they frit? — Cathy Newman (@cathynewman) January 30, 2018 Now staging a … Continue reading

‘Dementum’….The Remainiacs ‘Dad’s Army’

    Corbyn has his ‘Momentum’ stormtroopers, the Remainiacs have ‘Dementum’, their stay-behind-the-lines Dad’s Army band of guerrillas on a mission to sabotage Brexit. A crackers squad of dyed-in-the-wool diehard blowhards who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the ‘good of the country’…naturally it is the ‘good of the country’ as they see it.  They believe that the voters were too stupid, too blinded by their own bigotry and prejudice … Continue reading

‘The BBC doesn’t do equal pay’

BBC review finds ‘no gender bias in on-air pay decisions’ Er….‘We’re addressing unfairness in individuals’ pay and want to close the gender pay gap’ “The BBC has a special role representing Britain. That is why we need to be, and want to be, an exemplar on gender pay, and equal pay.   Now some of its own know what it is like to go up against the monolithic BBC and … Continue reading