Home Truths

  The Today show’s [08:55] guest editor, Tamara Rojo, the artistic director and lead principal dancer of the English National Ballet, unwittingly nailed the problem with the BBC on the head as she talked of the way funding of the Arts is done in Europe…nearly 100% coming from government.  Thus she tells us the Arts don’t have to bother with producing anything that the Public want, they are completely out of … Continue reading

Under the radar

San Francisco: Man arrested over ‘Christmas terror plan’   Listened to the BBC all day yesterday and their reports about the ‘US Marine’ who wanted to be a terrorist….no idea, but could have guessed, that he was a Muslim convert…..just why would the BBC miss that crucial and very relevant piece of info from their bulletins?  Why tell us he was a Marine but not a Muslim….which is more relevant?  … Continue reading

Merry Christmas To One and All

    Another year gone, one that the BBC and its ilk tell us was a disaster, chaotic, uncertain and turbulent, a year that was somehow completely different to any other year…a very traumatic year.  And yet it wasn’t really was it?  Just the usual ups and downs of any year…just that for the BBC and its ilk the changes didn’t suit their world view and thus the year was … Continue reading

Christmas Open Thread

  Damian Green ‘resigns’ due to ‘lying’ about his knowledge of police claims about porn on his computer…according to Rod Liddle he didn’t lie…the police told Green’s lawyer who later told Green but only after he’d made his statement. The BBC don’t work too hard to establish the truth…first they tell us Kate Maltby [who, despite claims to the otherwise, seems thoroughly intent on doing as much damage as possible … Continue reading

Brexit means terrorism on our streets

The BBC’s latest anti-Brexit scaremongering headline: MI5 warnings on Brexit, terror and Russia MI5 has had to reassure its European partners about co-operation since the Brexit referendum, the head of the security service says, but the twin fears of terrorism and Russia has meant that European countries still want the UK’s help. With a marked increase in the number of attacks in Europe, the committee said the government should be … Continue reading

Remain Pain

The Remainers’ hopes of staying in the EU indefinitely by the backdoor has been dealt a major blow as the EU puts a limit on the transition period….. EU says Brexit transition to end by 31 December 2020 Although the BBC reports this significant blow to the Remain plot it fails to note that significance and the effect it has on the Remainer’s hopes of staying in the EU by … Continue reading

Midweek Open Thread

  Nicky Campbell thinks it would be great if Christmas were to be more secular because then all other religions could join in and ‘celebrate’ it too.  Perfect illustration of BBC mindset…surrender your own culture to accomodate those who have absolutely no intention of compromising their own culture to fit in with British and western society. BBC Bias, or stupidity, list it all here……..    

‘Make Britain Great Again’

ISLAM – Introduce a comprehensive ban on the religion of “Islam” within the United Kingdom. This ban will include the prohibition of halal slaughter, sharia courts, religious publications (such as the Koran, Hadiths), the operation of mosques, madrasas and “cultural centres” and the public preaching and / or teaching of Islamic scriptures and doctrines. – Introduce a prohibition on the use of Islamic face coverings in public, such as the … Continue reading


‘Christmas bomb plot’ broken up by dawn raids in Sheffield and Chesterfield Armed police have seized four men in a series of dawn raids to break up a suspected Christmas terrorist bomb plot. Police raided four addresses in South Yorkshire and Derbyshire after intelligence suggested the men were planning to build or acquire a bomb in an Islamist plot to strike a target in the UK.   Oh the irony as … Continue reading