More on BBC News chief Fran Unsworth’s background

Can you learn anything about someone from the people they are friends with? New BBC Head of  News Fran Unsworth (top left) is pictured here in 1986 at the wedding of Jane Wells (bottom right), alongside Lise Mayer (bottom left). Jane Wells is the daughter of Sidney Bernstein ‘the dominant influence on the growth and development of commercial television in Britain’ and is the founder of 3 Generations, ‘a non-profit organization … Continue reading

New BBC Head of News

BBC appoints Fran Unsworth as next head of news What do we know about about her? Not much. She has a very small public profile and has worked at the BBC her whole career. Here’s one interesting titbit. Fran Unsworth – “Fortunately my parents were very non-gender specific.” Your guess is as good as mine, but it certainly sounds a lot like the type of rhetoric we hear from certain … Continue reading

BBCers should hunker down in a safe space…Brexit poll out

Is it game over for Brexit? Rebel MPs have defeated the government in a vote on the EU Withdrawal Bill – the bill that’ll take the UK out of the EU. But Esther Webber (@estwebber) tells us why it’s not quite game over for Brexit. BBC wishful thinking.   The BBC’s Rachel Burden, as do most BBC presenters, tried to push the notion that more and more people are against … Continue reading

Midweek Open Thread

  The BBC whines constantly that the DUP are disproportionately influential due to their alliance with the Tories.  Of course this is because the DUP in the main supports Brexit.  The BBC shows no such distaste for a small group of Tory rebels who betray their country and party and ally themselves to the Marxists of Labour in order to appease their foreign masters in the EU.  The BBC was … Continue reading

Oh Kay

  Katty Kay, always worth a watch.  Today she reported on Republican Roy Moore and looked like someone had just shoved a pineapple up her backside and she was desperately trying not to let on as she tried to control the pained surprise with tightly shut eyes, puffed out cheeks,  a strangely immobile face, speaking through a mouth shut tight giving us her impression of a white person acting as … Continue reading

Hyping inflation

  Listening to the BBC news and you’d think a 0.1 rise in inflation was the great crash of 2008 all over again.  Ever get the feeling that the BBC is so desperate to do away with Brexit that it would be very happy to see the economy crash?  Odd that for all the warnings about the supposed effects of Brexit on the economy the BBC doesn’t get anywhere near as … Continue reading

Last month’s news today

On October 17th I wrote that in November or December this year, inflation would pass the 3% threshold needed to trigger a letter from Bank of England chief Mark Carney, predicting: Carney’s letter will be deeply pessimistic about Brexit, so the BBC will report it as the top story with two or three articles of “analysis” where they cherry pick some other statistics to mislead the nation once again. Several … Continue reading

BBC will have to start earlier than 6am to trick me!

Yes it’s 6am on Monday morning and the propaganda machine is in full swing. This time it’s a BBC survey which tells us that Two in five women in the UK say they have experienced unwanted sexual behaviour at work. Excellent news. This marks a huge drop since they reported a BBC survey several weeks ago: ‘Half of women’ sexually harassed at work. Or maybe the survey data is just total … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread

  Apparently, according to the BBC, Nichola Sturgeon is very worried that some parts of the UK might be treated differently in any Brexit deal.  No, no BBC, she’s cock-a-hoop…she couldn’t wait to demand that Scotland be given special status when she heard that NI was to be ‘aligned’ with the EU.  Just the usual hopeless ‘analysis’ from the BBC which doesn’t want you to know that May’s stitch-up was … Continue reading