Gobby JO’Bby shows us why he’s worth it

  The BBC’s James O’Brien is out to show how brilliant he is again with an astute, insightful and intelligent analysis of a letter sent by David Davis to the PM on his LBC show…..read it for yourself and check out how clear the meaning is…hard to misunderstand especially if you’re so intelligent as Mr O’Brien is…a ‘very stable genius’ no doubt:   LBC boasts: James O’Brien took apart David … Continue reading

‘The Beauties’ Awards

    I await with interest: The Fake News Awards, those going to the most corrupt & biased of the Mainstream Media, will be presented to the losers on Wednesday, January 17th, rather than this coming Monday. The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 7, 2018

Petard Hoist Own

  The BBC said: “Where a presenter or reporter has publicly expressed a view on a particular issue, they would no longer be perceived as an impartial voice, therefore it is right they do not conduct interviews on that issue. This is in keeping with editorial guidelines.” So the BBC, as we know, has been paying women less than men for the same job, as well of course of only … Continue reading

Little Black Burkas

        Have to laugh at the hypocrisy of the stars at the Golden Globes who wore black in protest at sexism…..and yet they somehow seemed to forget the point of the exercise as they dressed to thrill….bums and boobs on show aplenty….how can they complain about sexism when they play on their sex appeal?     The BBC of course were fully supportive of the stars not … Continue reading

Order Order

HEALTH WARNING: One source only – Lidington to first sec. Greening to DWP. Perry to BEIS. Grayling party chairman. — Tim Shipman (@ShippersUnbound) January 8, 2018 Emma Barnett is like a dog with a bone as she continues her relentless narrative of a ‘weak’ Theresa May that she has been pushing for a year, totally ignoring the fact that May is in a very strong position, the only person who … Continue reading

TDS…or plain old Tedious…the BBC’s constant vilification of Trump

Media columnist Michael Wolff says journalists are “having a nervous breakdown” as they attempt to cover President Trump. The Hollywood Reporter columnist and Newsweek writer told CNN’s Brian Stelter on “Reliable Sources” Sunday that the press goes into a “fit of apoplexy” after every move from the White House — an overreaction he said damages the media’s credibility.  “As we try to go after his credibility, our credibility becomes equally … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread

  The problem with the NHS?  It’s a funding issue, not millions more patients, and ‘some say’ the NHS is being deliberately run-down by the Government. Car sales down?  It’s because of ‘uncertainty due to Brexit’.  Trump?  A sex attacker just like Harvey Weinstein, an allegation made repeatedly on the Today show without a word of dissent.  Want to fly to America after Brexit?….not a chance…all flights will be grounded….#duetobrexit … Continue reading

Midweek Open Thread

  The BBC described how the raging, embittered and resentful Remainer Lord [unelected] Adonis explained his ‘reasons in an excoriating letter’ for his resignation.  Trouble is, though the BBC presented his comments as rational and hard-hitting, they were far from that, being nothing less than a furiously frothy-mouthed, eye-swivelling, green-inked screed venting Adonis’s massive arrogance and frustration that he can’t have his way…a bit of a temper tantrum with teddy … Continue reading