With all the hoo-ha last week about the Climate Change Camp

– you know, the one that the BBC did so much to promote in advance with daily mentions on BBC Views Online, complete with directions to the site (though stopping short of “and it’s handy for those coming by air too – just look for the BBC helicopter above the camp!” – though that wouldn’t have been out of character), I was surprised that we didn’t see this prominent banner … Continue reading

The Daily Telegraph reports that children’s BBC presenter Kirsten O’Brien

has joked at the Edinburgh Festival that: Everyone at CBBC is either gay or childless and don’t like kids. …before going on to say: Still, at least we’re better than Palestinian children’s TV, which gets kids to sing songs about AK-47 rifles. …which is interesting, because for some strange reason the BBC always seems to be looking the other way when Middle Eastern broadcasters spew hatred about other people and … Continue reading

Peter Barron, editor of Newsnight

, invites us to send a message to the TV industry on the BBC Editors blog for the mediagrauniad Edinburgh International TV Junket Festival this weekend (though Peter missed out the mediagrauniad bit for some reason). Biased BBC reader Rockall tried to send a message, but was yet another victim of the BBC’s apparently buggy comment submission process. Knowing how keenly Newsnight follow Biased BBC, here’s Rockall’s comment for Peter: … Continue reading

Richard Littlejohn, writing in the Daily Mail

, reckons that Truth is the first Casualty at the BBC, as he weighs into the debate about the BBC’s decision to change a Casualty episode depicting an attack by an Islamist terrorist into an animal rights attack: I’m only surprised that they didn’t rule that the bus station bombing in Casualty should be carried out by “militants” linked to UKIP, demanding a referendum on the European Constitution. Turning to … Continue reading

Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

Please use this thread for BBC-related comments and analysis. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not (and never has been) an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or use as a chat forum. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts. Click through to read and contribute comments on this … Continue reading

Writing in the Jewish Chronicle, Danny Finkelstein

, Associate Editor of The Times, reckons We’re to blame for BBC bias. It’s an interesting, and hopefully wry, take on the causes of the BBC’s cultural mentality. Here’s the key part: If Zimbardo is right, then the political slant of BBC reports is not the result (or at least, not mainly the result) of the disposition of the BBC’s reporters. It comes about because of the role they see … Continue reading

Following Ed’s post below

linking to the Telegraph’s editorial Terror victims are BBC licence-payers, too, the Telegraph has more coverage of the BBC drops Casualty suicide bomb plotline story that has been discussed in the comments here. Lord Tebbit is quoted: People were perfectly free during the violence in Northern Ireland to produce dramas about terrorism for which presumably they might have been accused of stereotyping IRA terrorists or even suggesting that all Catholics … Continue reading

Last Saturday’s edition of the BBC’s current British Film Forever series

came with this Radio Times warning: I strongly suggest you keep your finger hovering over the mute button on your TV remote controls, because you’ll want to silence, yet again, the witless and sneering commentary that’s characterised the series so far. My time watching the programme was interrupted (“Daddy, I can’t get to sleep”, “Well, come and watch this BBC tosh then, that’ll do the trick” etc.), and I got … Continue reading

A fellow BBC critic, writing on the Toady programme’s message board

, reports a BBC Views Online front page ‘highlight box’, describing the featured story as: Tale of two cities: ‘Not like in Dickens, kind of American’ – a visitor’s view of Brum. …except that in the story, Not like in Dickens, it turns out that the visitor the BBC refers to is actually an immigrant – not normally a synonym for visitor, except perhaps in BBC La-la-land. Click through to … Continue reading

From the comments David Preiser writes:

“I couldn’t help noticing the ridiculous BBC online coverage of the idiotic global warming protest camp at Heathrow over the weekend. The BBC’s coverage sure seemed to me like a veritable propaganda newsletter, complete with maps.” Ah, but he was not the only one. Donal Blaney writes on his blog: “With fawning excitement, the BBC has paid excessive attention to the sordid collection of hippies, pot smokers and anarchists who … Continue reading