
(14.50 UK): I notice via David K in the comments that The UK Telegraph includes the Jesus comment story in an editorial today which you can read here. I think we may safely say… That Biased-BBC comments are considerably more sanitary than the BBC message boards. I am not really up to speed on BBC message boards. I don’t go there. However, the enthusiastic commenters who do enjoy posting there … Continue reading

Biased BBC reader Bodo spotted this gem of BBC bias and stealth editing

in a current BBC Views Online (Don’t) Have Your Say discussion: Is manned space travel still relevant in the 21st century? Is it worth the financial burden or just a country’s expensive ego trip – a hangover from 60s? …which was magically stealth edited into: Is manned space travel still relevant in the 21st century and worth the cost? Is the risk involved in space missions worth it? …except that … Continue reading

The same old song from the BBC writes John Redwood in the Sunday Telegraph

, in a good article recounting his experience of the media and the BBC in particular while trying to put forward serious policy proposals: I was delighted that halfway through the week Helen Boaden, a senior manager at the BBC, graciously admitted it had been wrong to run footage of me singing, from 14 years ago, as their lead-in to their first report. I am the only politician who has … Continue reading

Carol Thatcher, daughter of Margaret,

has written an article, How the BBC disgraced my mother, published in the Daily Mail, beginning: When it comes to separating fact from fiction, the dear old Beeb seems to have been making a bit of a hash of things recently. There have been a whole string of exposures about faked competition winners, dubious reporting and manipulatively edited documentaries. Before moving on to her main point: So serious is the … Continue reading

It’s not the data, it’s how you present it…

The BBC managed the spectacular headline “US army suicides hit 26-year high”. The BBC go on to add some colour relating to psychology and the like. What they don’t mention is that “the overall suicide rate for the United States was 13.4 per 100,000 people. It was 21.1 per 100,000 people for all men aged 17 to 45, compared to a rate of 17.8 for men in the Army.” (CNN) … Continue reading

Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

Please use this thread for BBC-related comments and analysis. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not (and never has been) an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or use as a chat forum. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts. Click through to read and contribute comments on this … Continue reading

The BBC shoots at the CIA goalie! The BBC scores! Whoops! It’s an own goal! They think it’s all over… it is now!

* (well, one can dream!). As Ed blogged below, Biased BBC’s story about the BBC’s utter hypocrisy in its desire to embarrass the CIA has gone big, being picked up, among many others, by Daily Telegraph journalist Damian Thompson, Helen at the usually excellent EU Referendum blog (which covers far more than the EU) and the BBC itself, where Pete Clifton has written on the BBC Editors blog: Words like … Continue reading

Just wanted to say..

. Congrats to Andrew over his posting on the BBC’s wikiedits. 7,000 eh? Such busy boys (and girls) at the BBC. Congrats too to all the great commenters who offer us so much to think about here. About half a clap should finally go to the BBC, who have now updated their article to include a modest reference to their own wikiediting exploits. Why so modest, chaps? (see below posts … Continue reading

With breathtaking hypocrisy, BBC Views Online’s third top story

this evening is: Wikipedia ‘shows CIA page edits’!   Hypocrisy writ large: the BBC pot calls the CIA kettle black Biased BBC’s story about the BBC’s own editing of Wikipedia has been online for 18 hours – and has been blogged on the BBC’s internal blog system by Nick Reynolds, a senior advisor on editorial policy, and yet this article, by Jonathan Fildes (is that a typo for Fidler?), a … Continue reading

Following up on our post from Sunday about what Iain Dale

reported and also about the BBC’s (ab)use of that Redwood footage again, Helen Boaden, the BBC’s Director of Views, sorry, News, has written about the BBC’s Red Tape Reporting on the BBC Editors Blog, saying: In retrospect we weren’t right to use that footage again, which came from a long time ago. In retrospect Helen? Wasn’t it obvious that it was wrong beforehand? It was obviously wrong to everyone outside … Continue reading