News 12.

Ian writes*: Hi, I just noticed the BBC has nothing about the democratic congressman who was indicted on bribery charges. I saw their America section in their website and nothing about that is there. I am sure if it was a republican it would have been given prominent first page display. It is one of the top news of today along with the US military judge dismissing charges on a … Continue reading

Hot off the press

 The BBC reports that… thirty years ago a junior diplomat heard a rumour from an unnamed source!Our crack team of media analysts have been wondering why this decades old tittle tattle qualified for a position on the BBC front page. They think there may be some secret code or message concealed in the wording of the headline: Israel hijack role ‘was queried’ It has been seen as a daring raid … Continue reading

Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

Please use this thread for off-topic, but preferably BBC related, comments. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments – our aim is to maintain order and clarity on the topic-specific threads. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts. While I’m here, a little … Continue reading


Example #1: Catholic cardinal denounces abortion, and says Catholic politicians who back abortion should consider their stance on receiving Communion. The BBC invites comments on the following question: “Should the church intervene in politics” … What are your views on the speech given by the Cardinal? Should politics and religion be kept separate? Example #2: Anglican Archbishop criticises the government over its case for war in Iraq and says that … Continue reading

Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

Please use this thread for off-topic, but preferably BBC related, comments. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments – our aim is to maintain order and clarity on the topic-specific threads. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts. Click through to read and … Continue reading

Fairly Unbalanced

Two links for you. One of them supports the continued existence of the BBC, one of them, er, does not. Both agree the BBC is biased. Devil’s Kitchen pursues the line that it might be biased, but it’s quality bias. No adverts to interrupt the tone, and anyway, we can always complain! Yeah, must try that… The pseudonymous poster of this video, though, takes the Daily Mail slam to the … Continue reading

Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

Please use this thread for off-topic, but preferably BBC related, comments. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments – our aim is to maintain order and clarity on the topic-specific threads. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts. Click through to read and … Continue reading

The moral murk

From the pathetic (see below post) to the poignant. Joseph Loconte notes the frenzied way in which the BBC is campaigning for the release of its journalist Alan Johnston. Naturally one feels a little of their desperation; we’ve seen far too many atrocities and needless deaths over recent years in the name of Islam and the Palestinians. Quite whether almost daily Johnston-centred updates, pleas and reports from the BBC is … Continue reading


Yes, it was obvious, bird shit on a dark background. The BBC couldn’t resist it. They quickly had the video evidence. They even shared it with the kiddies. (hat-tip to Iain Dale) I doubt that ever happened to Clinton, now, did it? He stained somewhat otherwise. I don’t suppose it’s ever happened to Gordon either, via the BBC. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.