According to Natasha Kaplinsky on the BBC One O’Clock Views today:

The BBC has confirmed that an Iraqi bomb has got through the armour of a Challenger tank for the first time. – quite why the BBC are able to confirm this, since they don’t operate the tanks, escapes me. Perhaps they’re using ‘confirmed’ in the same way as that other lazy BBC-ism, “the BBC has learned”, when of course the BBC’s job is to report, rather than to toot it’s … Continue reading

*** Stealth edit alert *** Stealth edit alert ***:

BBC Views Online’s sleazy stealth editors have been in action again (though I doubt that they are ever really out of action – it’s just that we don’t always spot it happening). On Saturday morning BBC Views Online reported Migration ‘tipping point reached’, beginning: Immigration could lead to the political break-up of Britain, according to think-tank Civitas. A pamphlet by the group suggests that Britain may have reached a “tipping … Continue reading


The following BBC story, Three killed at Turkish publisher, describes how three people have had their throats slit at a publishing house in Turkey that produces Bibles, or bibles as the BBC puts it. All the bold type in the excerpts below was added by me. Nationalists had protested at the publishing house in the past, accusing it of involvement in missionary activities, local media reported. There is a rising … Continue reading

Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

Please use this thread for off-topic, but preferably BBC related, comments. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments – our aim is to maintain order and clarity on the topic-specific threads. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts. One more thing. A commenter, … Continue reading

Framed and unframed pictures

When the charges against the lacrosse team at Duke University were first laid the BBC covered it in this article by Daniel Lak. The article correctly takes no explicit view about the truth or otherwise of the charge, as at that time investigations were still proceeding. A great deal of the article, in fact, is not about the details of the particular case at all. Rather it is “framing” – … Continue reading

Did you think it particularly ill-timed

that the National Union of Journalists passed a motion proposing a boycott of Israeli goods even while one of their own members, Alan Johnston, has been kidnapped and may have been murdered by Palestinian terrorists? Adloyada quotes a source who claims that the editor of the NUJ’s house journal has admitted it was a quid pro pro for the support of the Palestinian journalists’ union in the campaign to free … Continue reading

Unmentionable words.

Back when US “shock jock” Michael Savage was fired by MSNBC (justifiably in my opinion) mention was made by the BBC of his right wing politics. (‘The brash, conservative Savage is founder of the Paul Revere Society, which advocates closing borders and deporting illegal immigrants.’) When Rush Limbaugh was pushed into resignation (unjustifiably in my opinion) from the ESPN cable TV network, mention was made of his right wing politics. … Continue reading