Wanted, dead or alive.

Michael Medved writes: yet another example of BBC bias: link The piece is titled “Hezbollah confirms Israel talks” and contains amongst the rest the following passage: “When Hezbollah captured Israeli soldiers in 2000, it took four years before talks succeeded and the soldiers were swapped for some 400 Palestinian and 35 Lebanese prisoners, our correspondent says.” They conveniently forget to mention those were DEAD soldiers Hezbollah returned. Is it just … Continue reading

Marc at USS Neverdock has a great BBC related post today

. In typical Neverdock style he writes: BBC ignoring huge US political scandal, because it involves a Democrat MSM and the US blogsphere are on fire with Democrat John Kerry’s attack on our troops. The BBC, who report with out fail on any misstep by Bush, are silent on Kerry’s attack. The only mention I could find about the scandal engulfing the Democrats, wasn’t on the front page but, buried … Continue reading

From Ghosties and ghoulies and long-legged beasties that go bump in the night / Good Lord deliver us.

Some recent reviews (some of which, like this post, contain spoilers): Chicken Yoghurt on Torchwood The Sharpener on Torchwood Dumbjohn on Torchwood Behind the Sofa on Torchwood Eric Lee on Tor… Spooks After reading the three links about it above I had to remind myself that I had found Torchwood genuinely scary. (“Look at that mask, it’s like real teeth, honest- aaagh!“) Its biggest problem is that it is lazy. … Continue reading

Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

Please use this thread for off-topic, but preferably BBC related, comments. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments – our aim is to maintain order and clarity on the topic-specific threads. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts. Click through to read and … Continue reading

The Director-General responds

. Mark Thompson writes: Judging by some of the headlines over the past week, there are people out there who think the BBC is dominated by trendy, Left-leaning liberals who are biased against Christianity and in favour of multiculturalism. Like all the best conspiracy-theorists, though, they don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story. But let’s put the myths and rumours to one side and take … Continue reading

That worked out well, then.

Adloyada writes on the BBC’s treatment of quotas for faith schools. I’d noticed how the BBC has been framing the debate in terms of “the archbishop again denied…” and had began to think of writing a post about it. Adloyada beat me to it, and also looks at what I would call actual misrepresentation of the positions of the various branches of Judaism. For instance it gave a lot of … Continue reading

BBC Views Online censorship in action:

compare and contrast these two news reports of the same court case:     Pregnant girl ‘pinned against post by racist road rage Doc in 4×4’ A GP drove her car at a pregnant nurse squashing her against a post in a road rage clash, a court heard yesterday. Sarah Chambers and her boyfriend chased Dr May Arnaot, 50, after she allegedly hit their Fiesta and did not stop. They … Continue reading

The BBC: well ahead of the news.

According to this report: “Global warming could cut the world’s annual economic output by as much as 20%, an influential report by Sir Nicholas Stern is expected to say.” Call it debasement of the English language, call it wishfulfillment journalism, but surely the “influence” of a report can only be estimated after the effects of its publication are known? Still, it makes for a nice consistency: a hypothetically gloomy report … Continue reading

The Telegraph joins in.

The bandwagon is gathering momentum. Yesterday it emerged that a BBC executive, Ann Davies, has questioned whether the corporation should “help break the constraints of the PC police” after audience research found it was out of step with much of mainstream public opinion. Another BBC boss, Richard Klein, commissioning editor for documentaries, told staff it was “pathetic” for the BBC to pride itself on being “of the people”. They’re all … Continue reading