The Mysterious Disappearing Far-Left

It’s Easter time, when the BBC gear up to cover the annual ritual that means so much to so many of the faithful – the annual conference of the National Union of Teachers. This year, those teachers who want a national strike against Government education policy are being described on Radio Four as ‘committed activists’. Way back in December 2001, when I searched the BBC News website for occurrences of … Continue reading

A Few Questions for the Beeb

Concerning the recent terrorist murders in Israel, Adloyada asks ‘Now why would the BBC report it that way?’ While DFH asks why it is that the Iranian president’s comments about Israel are being buried by the BBC, among other Iran related matters. Meanwhile, I ask why on earth it is that the Beeb have put themselves at the forefront of the charge against Rumsfeld. Again and again the same dreary … Continue reading

Today Programme Miss Amazing Story

The Today programme like to think that they don’t just report the news, that they “help to set the agenda” – and to a great extent they’re correct. You can hear Humphrys or Naughtie worrying away at a point like a terrier with a rat. hoping to get an admission which will make the NEXT news headlines. “In an interview on the BBC Today programme, the Minister revealed that …” … Continue reading

The Leftist Spin

I was interested to find people in the comments compiling lists of ‘BBC issues’. I think the following is a nice example of the BBC’s sly slanty issued-based bias. This article might seem fairly innocuous, business as usual for Caroline Wyatt reporting French affairs. It’s got a fashionable feminist slant, after all, questioning patriarchal values blah blah. Typical BBC really. But notice that the photo appears to have little to … Continue reading

Into the Lion’s Den

David Vance intends to tell the BBC a thing or two, to their faces: ‘I believe the License Fee should be scrapped forthwith and ALL subsidy to the BBC ended. The BBC must stand, or fall, on it’s own two financial feet. As far as I am concerned state broadcasting is anachronistic and totalitarian – time to end it.’ A merry thread ensued. Click through to read and contribute comments … Continue reading

Just in from the WT latest F news desk

: BBC gives Greg Palast a presenter’s spot on its Latin America news section (should fit in nicely with Gavin Esler’s approach eh?). Perhaps you know little about Mr Palast, but we at B-BBC remember him. He’s the man who exulted in Ronald Reagan’s death. Produces extreme Bush lied theories. Maintained that that Kerry won in 2004 And now the BBC have given him the task of reporting Hugo Chavez … Continue reading

More anti-Israel bias from the Beeb

Adloyada points out the imbalance in this articleby Alan Johnston- a cover up for convicted murderers which includes some apparent far-left plagiarism. One judges people by their friends, sometimes. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

Nearly forgot about this one …

… Justin Webb on yesterday’s Radio Five Drive show, being interviewed about Kate Couric, new CBS news anchor. He spoke about how the big networks were losing market share to cable and the internet. “There ate three groups of people who don’t watch the evening news any more, and they are intelligent people, young people, and right-wing people – and obviously there are some people who fall into all three … Continue reading

BBC censured over Israeli-Palestinian bias

It had to be concerning the misrepresention of the UN’s position, didn’t it? Nothing else could rouse the BBC Governors and the panel they appointed to investigate matters. According to the EJP report here, a BBC report published late last year, ‘suggested the UN called for Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from territories seized during the six-day war when in fact it called for a negotiated “land for peace” settlement between Israel … Continue reading

George W Bush has lost Latin America

. Gavin Esler has the scoop! There is trouble ahead for Uncle Sam in his own backyard. Big trouble. It is one of the most important and yet largely untold stories of our world in 2006. George W Bush has lost Latin America. Fortunately Mr Esler has found it down the back of his sofa. He dropped it there in the 1980s while having a little cry after the Sandinistas … Continue reading