Oh, those flirty little BBC scare quotes

, so quick to flutter their eyelashes around “terrorist” and “holocaust denier” and then at other times they just won’t come out and play. “BBC soft soaps Holocaust denier” – blogs Adloyada, referring to this BBC article about David Irving. I quite agree with the view of the sociologist quoted in the BBC article that the law should not be used to silence the likes of Irving (although when he … Continue reading

“Troops shoot disabled Jenin man”

Says the link to this BBC story. It’s currently the main story on their ‘In Depth’ page. Mental image of another poor chap in a wheelchair, or hobbling along with the aid of a stick. The story ? “A young Palestinian man with learning disabilities has been shot dead by Israeli troops near the West Bank town of Jenin, Palestinian officials said. Local residents said Mujahid al-Simadi had gone up … Continue reading

I Might Get Angry

, so I won’t comment too much about the BBC’s no attention spared coverage of the latest Abu Graib photos. David Vance has put it very nicely (with tongue in cheek): ‘never before in the field of human conflict, has so much cruelty been inflicted on so many by so few, right? (Although nobody died or was even seriously injured that we know of but HEY, it’s a cool story, … Continue reading

Historians in the future

may be interested in this BBC article, outlining the BBC’s plan to join forces with a climate change study harnessing the power of thousands of personal computers. This quote sums up my concerns: ‘Frances McNamara, the BBC’s producer for the experiment, said the project would give people a chance to be part of efforts to tackle a warming world.’ Implicit in this is a wholesale acceptance of the phenomenon of … Continue reading

Simpson hits back

– Something tells me that John Simpson doesn’t share his colleague’s optimism about blogs. However if ever there was an opinion piece in need of a fisking it would be Simpson’s latest. Ah well, life’s too short, and attention span is the deity we secretly worship. So let me first draw attention to the treachery and silliness of the following statement: British soldiers have mostly behaved well in Iraq, but … Continue reading

Former Radio Four ‘Today’ editor

Rod Liddle lays into his former employers for their left-wing bias in this Sunday Times piece, which was inspired by the BBC’s affectionate look at what their senior people used to get up to thirty years ago. Read the whole thing. In fairness it must be said that Liddle himself was a paragon of political correctness during his time at the BBC. An example of the sort of thing Liddle … Continue reading

Now, they’re getting it!

Up here in Scotland the BBC is concerned about possible bias: Wark was subjected to long-term behind-the-scenes scrutiny by her own managers, a team of broadcast executives, who checked out her performance on air for anything which might give rise to accusations of bias. Let’s think about this. Is the Beeb concerned that Ms Wark could be a secret admirer of David Cameron? Was she seen campaigning for the LibDems … Continue reading

The BBC report

on the “United against Incitement and Islamophobia” rally planned for Trafalgar Square today. “The rally … has been organised by the Muslim Council of Britain, the Muslim Association of Britain and a number of Christian organisations.” Well, yes. Two minor inaccuracies and a curious omission. According to main organisers the Muslim Association of Britain and the Islamic Forum of Europe, the MCB are ‘supporters’, not organisers. Secondly the ‘number of … Continue reading

The ‘Getting It’ Continues

Well I know Natalie has a substantial post below, and I do recommend you read it and follow the links (and comment), but I notice that we have a little watershed moment to mark: The BBC recognises the work of Biased-BBC. It’ll be interesting for those visiting from the BBC site (a site we don’t yet link to, for reasons I’ve never quite fathomed) to find their arrival anticipated by … Continue reading