From the MediaGuardian Diary:

New Labour evangelist Tim Allan must have been having a good old chuckle this morning after the results of his dirty work against the BBC bore fruit. Allan was, of course, the PR man who leaked a tape of the memorably injudicious speech that BBC sacred site John Humphrys made at a PR forum. Humphrys must have realised that the scorn he poured on the government during the address left … Continue reading

Today’s Sunday Telegraph has a revealing article, Oops! TV crews left deflated as Rita blows herself out

, by Karyn Miller, including the following (underlining added): Among the glummest faces were the huge crews of television journalists sent from Britain to cover the hurricane, many of whom looked as if they were reporting typical autumn weather in England. The BBC had the biggest team, with a total of 34 reporters, producers, cameramen and others. Nine, including three correspondents, are based in New Orleans and 25 in and … Continue reading

Friends fall out.

The NPR ombudsman, Jeffrey Dvorkin, criticises BBC coverage of Katrina. I am sure that the BBC is not inventing these interviews. But the effect is that it sounds less like reporting than like caricature. Public radio listeners likely understand what is going on — that BBC cultural assumptions about the United States remain mired in a reflex European opposition to American foreign policy. But what comes through the radio sounds … Continue reading

I must take issue

with my esteemed colleague Andrew’s harsh description [CORRECTION: Andrew has pointed out that the description was Stephen Pollard’s rather than his own] of this piece by Justin Webb as “drivel”. On the contrary, it is rather clever. Look at this: Rita and Katrina have both been events of massive force, sweeping away an awful lot, but Katrina – because of the ghastly failure of the authorities to prepare and to … Continue reading

Following on from last week’s

Sunday Times exposé of product placement advertising on the BBC, this week’s Sunday Times has an amusing follow-up, BBC quietly pulls a plug on Spooks – it seems that following last week’s uproar the BBC have quietly doctored the third episode of Spooks on BBC1 to cover up a prominent Apple Computer logo: On Friday the BBC press office initially claimed that the cut scenes had appeared only on a … Continue reading

Is it just me, or does the much repeated advert

(on the supposedly ad-free BBC) for Andrew Marr’s new Sunday morning programme have him saying what sounds like “What we’re trying to achieve is the television equivalent of a crappy little newspaper”? I presume he’s trying to say ‘cracking’, but if he does mean crappy then he need look no further than the BBC’s Six O’Clock news crew for inspiration – telly-taxpayers haven’t forgotten the depths of dumbing-down exposed a … Continue reading

Telling the IRA arms story ‘is vital’

, according to Brian Rowan, BBC Northern Ireland security editor. A surprising part of Rowan’s conclusion is his assertion that “Even the loyalists accept that there is no threat from the IRA”. Really? Well, I suppose you might concur if, like Brian, you omit events such as the IRA’s grand larceny at the Northern Bank in December (see The Adams-McGuinness technique: rob banks to buy your way to power in … Continue reading

In the run up over last weekend to this week’s Liberal Democrat Party conference

in Blackpool, BBC News Online featured a few pre-conference puff-pieces, including one with millionaire* Lib Dem MP Lynne Featherstone, Liberal gets tough on pub hours, by Justin Parkinson, BBC News political** reporter, focusing on Ms. Featherstone’s “biggest hit so far”, her “querying of the impending liberalisation of pub licensing laws in England and Wales”. Curiously, amongst all of Featherstone’s ‘tough’ words, Justin omits to mention the Lib Dems policy to … Continue reading

Lost in translation – indeed!

Harold Evans’ most recent opinion column at BBC News Online was described as: “Evans on words – Don’t say ‘precipitation situation’ if you mean ‘it’s raining’” – this from the corporation that goes out of its way (re-writing history as necessary, even) to say militant/insurgent/bomber/etc. whenever it means terrorist! Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.