The Truth according to Matt Wells

‘The truth was simple and apparent to all. If journalists were there with cameras beaming the suffering live across America, where were the officers and troops?’ The BBC’s true colours shine through in this article. We find an enraged and ideologically inflamed writer swallowing every one of the so-called ‘fitting metaphors relating to the New Orleans debacle.’ That is what journalism is not about, yet here we have a BBC … Continue reading

Hurricane Katrina into another Bush-bashing exercise

BBC News 24 this morning managed to turn their headline report on Hurricane Katrina into another Bush-bashing exercise. Much of the focus was on the criticism of Bush and the slow response of the White House to the disaster. Of course, we know that big government is often slow to act when it counts, but you’ll never hear the BBC admitting that that is true in general. You’ll never hear … Continue reading

Intellectual looting at the Beeb

The Beebonline have so far (so far- it’s very early yet) been wise enough not to carry an article linking hurricane Katrina to global warning. Unfortunately BBC World were not so circumspect this morning. I saw one presenter saying to a US environmentalist (invited in apparently to advance the thesis in question) that there was a growing consensus in the US linking hurricane Katrina to global warming. This was not … Continue reading

Surely ….

… yesterday’s Radio Four Test Match Special (for foreign visitors, the BBC’s wonderful cricket show – cricket being a ball game) was the first time that a commentary box guest has picked up an accoustic guitar and sung a song about the pleasures of heroin, to appreciative applause from the commentary team. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

More jobs for ‘paper shufflers’ at the BBC

The Daily Telegraph reports: More jobs for ‘paper shufflers’ at the BBC By Amy Iggulden (Filed: 29/08/2005) The BBC is continuing to advertise for more than three times as many administrators and managers as programme-makers despite promising that job losses of almost 4,000 would lead to a new focus on creativity. Of the 44 jobs available at the corporation, as of August 25, at least 40 per cent are in … Continue reading

Brave, Bold Hugo.

Had to get back into the special ‘Biased BBC’ posting seat to keep up with the excellent output of Scott the Expatriate. The latest thing that caught my eye- though this is a fascinating issue-related post called ‘A molehill’– was this thing about Chavez. The Chavez- you know, that ‘colourful’ fellow with all that oil in South America- who has said that ‘“If anything happens to me then the man … Continue reading

May I firstly thank all those who have been commenting recently

May I firstly thank all those who have been commenting recently. There have been some riveting exchanges, and I feel Paul Reynolds may be regretting slightly that he came along to make our site even a little livelier! (I hope not regretting too much). Personally I think it’s clear- we all care about the media we have, and that makes our discussions full of interest to people of all kinds. … Continue reading

Worst Case Impresarios

Since our Friend of Biased BBC Paul Reynolds has been calling round lately it seems only fair to deal with one of his articles- ultimately comparing his powers of prognostication now, with those demonstrated in the past. Reynolds- one of the first to float the quagmire meme in the mainstream media- gives us his latest effort, showing that this week’s image, just like almost every week’s with the Beeb, is … Continue reading

The childish leftie twits at BBC Views Online

who think it’s clever to bugger around with photos as a means of expressing their own petty political prejudices have been busy again.   The photo of Norman Tebbit (see right) on the story Tebbit attacks ‘unreformed’ Islam has clearly been tampered with – first off they’ve selected the worst photo they could find of him, then they’ve slanted it to the left, then they’ve whacked up the white balance … Continue reading

It’s me again

, just stepping in for today and tomorrow before I go on holiday. What stopped me blogging? As I said earlier, first I was busy, then I was ill. However I have been pretty much recovered for the last week. The thing that repeatedly made me decide that I would get back online tomorrow rather than today was the fact that I was frightened of my by-now enormous pile of … Continue reading