Attitudinous Auntie Available Online

. I am happy to say that Scott Norvell’s article for the Opinion Journal, which mentioned this site and was discussed in this post, is now available to read online. In other news, the BBC has completely reformed. All traces of bias have been swept away. In a spirit of sincere self-criticism for past errors the entire staff have all agreed to make over their worldly goods to Jeb … Continue reading

As is typical for the Beeb, this BBC article about the Euro is notable for inventing history

As is typical for the Beeb, this BBC article about the Euro is notable for inventing history. Contra the report, ‘Is Europe’s passion for the euro fading?’, which states that ‘It was a idea that could barely be whispered inside Europe’s corridors of power – might the European Union lose its appetite for the euro?’, there was never a time when Europe demonstrated a passion or appetite for the Euro, … Continue reading

Check out this juicy morsel in the mouth of the Rottweiler Puppy!

Check out this juicy morsel in the mouth of the Rottweiler Puppy! Naturally the fellows at the R.P. fully deserve this link for assiduously linking this site and others supportive of Our Cause (and for invaluably antagonising the Enemy- see R.P.’s comments box). Well done chaps! Adda boy, Puppy! Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

“Fair Trade 4 Kidz” Part II

or How the Children’s BBC Website Channels the Anti-Globalisation Lobby. Inspired by a comments debate here I typed in the word “trade” into the search box of the Children’s BBC Newsround site and took a look at what I got. Some of the results referred to illegal trade in animals or animal skins. I excluded these from consideration – perhaps prematurely. My first significant result was “How fair is international … Continue reading

Stop the War!

George Galloway is currently being fawned over by BBC Radio Scotland, on of all things football programme ‘Off the Ball’. ‘…It’s a pleasure and a privilege…’ ‘…You showed them…’ ‘…Heroic…’ ‘…Americans are thickies, just look at the president!…’ UPDATE ADDED 29 MAY: USS Neverdock saw this post and expanded on it, including an audio clip. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.


, can I draw your attention to a fiery post from Dash Riprock: …after ignoring the incitement story for, oh, ever, the Beeb dutifully reports on the “Jews are HIV, Jews are Cancer” sermon broadcast on the official Palestinian Authority television station. Unable to resist, they then gratuitously add this: The state broadcaster is only watched by an estimated one percent of Palestinians, who prefer Arab satellite channels. Well then, … Continue reading


Auntie: “How do you like your news little dears?” Public: “If you’re asking whether we like our news rancid and shot through with mould in a congealed puddle of grease or fresh, we’ll take the latter. Somehow, Auntie Beeb, this does not seem like a real choice.” It may be a bit rotten and unfounded but the BBC (al Reuters , Amnesty International and the ACLU) think you need another … Continue reading


When is a 55.5% increase “almost double the amount”? A. When it’s BBC London* reporting today on Camden Council’s planned increase in school dinner spending from 45p per head to 70p per head. This is most likely straightforward incompetence rather than bias – but the tendency for journalists to hype and over-hype stories is ever present, particularly among younger journalists reporting on run-of-the-mill stories like this – but please, BBC … Continue reading

Boris Johnson broadsides the BBC in today’s Daily Telegraph

– as spotted by one of our ever observant commenters. Here’s a taster: Do you remember Today’s James Naughtie, who gave the game away in the run-up to the general election by referring to Labour as “us”? Do you remember on election night how Andrew Marr said that things were going “worse” than expected, when what he meant to say was “worse for Labour”. You have only to imagine Marr … Continue reading