The childish leftie twits at BBC Views Online

who think it’s clever to bugger around with photos as a means of expressing their own petty political prejudices have been busy again.   The photo of Norman Tebbit (see right) on the story Tebbit attacks ‘unreformed’ Islam has clearly been tampered with – first off they’ve selected the worst photo they could find of him, then they’ve slanted it to the left, then they’ve whacked up the white balance … Continue reading

It’s me again

, just stepping in for today and tomorrow before I go on holiday. What stopped me blogging? As I said earlier, first I was busy, then I was ill. However I have been pretty much recovered for the last week. The thing that repeatedly made me decide that I would get back online tomorrow rather than today was the fact that I was frightened of my by-now enormous pile of … Continue reading

Let it not be said that the BBC does not correct (some) of its mistakes before they are highlighted here.

Following the BBC’s veritable splurge of ‘Japan as victim’ coverage of the sixtieth-anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there have, thankfully, been a few nods (but only nods – no lavish primetime Sunday evening docu-drama coverage (and DVD release!) of the Rape of Nanking for instance) towards balancing coverage with brief pieces on the atrocities and fanaticism that the Japanese visited upon their neighbours, … Continue reading

Turning away briefly from the issue of BBC bias

, many of the nation’s younger telly-taxpayers have been bemused this morning (and will be again tomorrow morning), because the usual fare of children’s holiday entertainment has been pulled from BBC2, to be replaced with continuous coverage of the World Athletics Championships 2005. Whoopee, not! If the BBC’s tedious sports coverage matters so much, why not drop the endlessly repeated CelebrityHomeCookingAuctionMakeover Show from BBC1 for a change and give us … Continue reading

BBC News Online drops newspaper front page coverage

– absolutely nothing to do with front pages like the one featured in the post below, oh no, of course not! It’s all to do with copyright of photos you see – even though these could be dealt with in other ways, such as pixellation. Cowards! Note though that “the written review of the daily papers will continue” – so that’s alright – that way the News Online Beeboids can … Continue reading

Further to the posts below, here are more details

of yesterday’s Daily Express coverage of my Biased BBC story from Tuesday about the BBC’s “disproportionate” Question Time audience that was deliberately packed out with over five-times as many Muslims as a proportion of the British population. Click on each thumbnail to see clippings of the Daily Express front page coverage of Biased BBC’s original Question Time audience story. Courtesy Daily Express/ Just for good measure, there are a couple … Continue reading

Not content with having difficulty with the ‘T’ word

, BBC News Online have outdone themselves, with this, at the bottom of their story King Fahd of Saudi Arabia dies (as pointed out by Guido Fawkes on his blog): The monarch’s decision in 1990 to invite American forces into Saudi Arabia after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait was heavily criticised within the country. Many say it contributed to the rise of al-Qaeda whose leader, Osama Bin Laden, is a Saudi-born … Continue reading

The Daily Express gets with the Biased BBC program

The Daily Express gets with the Biased BBC program, only much later than the rest of the blogosphere — this was their main front-page headline today: FURY OVER BBC’s BIAS TO MUSLIMS They pack TV terror debate with anti-British audience by Martin Evans BBC bosses faced a furious backlash last night after they were forced to admit that they packed a TV terror debate with Muslims. Angry viewers complained that … Continue reading

Some BBC related snippets from the last week or two:

BBC ready for Radio Four-letter words BBC RADIO 4 must challenge political correctness to satisfy an audience that no longer “wears tweeds and plays golf”, its controller says. Mark Damazer has declared that the principles underlying the station during his stewardship will be “dissent, excitement, thrills and fun”. Addressing the Broadcasting Press Guild, Mr Damazer also backed the Today programme, including the forceful questioning style of John Humphrys. He said: … Continue reading

An excellent letter in the Daily Telegraph today from Oleg Gordievsky

, as noted by PeterN in comments on the post below: The Red Service Sir – Just listen with attention to the ideological nuances on Radio 4, BBC television, and the BBC World Service, and you will realise that communism is not a dying creed (Leader, Jul 30). Oleg Gordievsky, London WC1 Gordievsky, for those unfamiliar with him, knows what he’s talking about. Born in Moscow in 1938, he joined … Continue reading