Yesterday I watched with admiration, and a lump in my throat, as Mrs. Marie Fatayi-Williams,

mother of Anthony Fatayi-Williams, missing since last week’s terrorist attacks, gave a powerful and moving speech in London, broadcast in full on Sky News, also reproduced in full on their website. Afterwards, Sky News’ Ashish Joshi reported that Mrs. Fatayi-Williams “reserved most of her venom, most of her anger, for the terrorists”, yet on the BBC’s lamentable One O’Clock News bulletin, their short excerpt of Mrs. Fatayi-Williams was used mostly … Continue reading

The BBC website gave full coverage to a vigil for the victims of the London bombs

The BBC website gave full coverage to a vigil for the victims of the London bombs, organised by the Stop the War Coalition, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the Muslim Association of Britain. According to the BBC, “it was Dr Assami Tamimi, of the Muslim Association of Britain, who drew the biggest response from the crowd.” The piece quotes Dr Tamimi as saying “Muslims also need to kill the … Continue reading

Normal Coverage Resumes At BBC

For a few short hours, as Harry’s Place reports, the BBC were prepared to call those who attacked civilians in London on Thursday ‘terrorists’. A day later they had become ‘bombers’. Stephen Pollard points out that Newsnight seem to have been convinced by George Galloway. Respect – “We urge the government to remove people in this country from harms way, as the Spanish government acted to remove its people from … Continue reading

Though no time to draw political blood

when too much of the real stuff has been tragically split in our capital, Marc, at USS Neverdock, makes a legitimate point on behalf of all those people who might have lowered their guard as a result of the undermining of the notion of a War on Terror by some BBC journalism. ‘The Power of Nightmares’ assured us there was no real organised Islamic movement bent on our destruction, yet … Continue reading

“Eco-village” which is a “model for us all”

Scott at the Ablution notes Lisa Mitchell’s glowing assessment on the BBC website of the “Eco-village” which is a “model for us all”. Er … would that by any chance be this eco-village ? The protesters appeared to come from a temporary “eco-camp”, set up on the outskirts of the city, before dashing into Stirling. Around 200 hooligans dressed in hooded tops with scarves obscuring their faces hurled missiles at … Continue reading

Closer, but no cigar Mr Simpson

He followed up on his previous assessment of Iran’s election candidates, this time focussing on the winner, Ahmadnejad. It’s almost as though he were trying to bolster his argument that we should have been hoping for a Rafsanjani win. But I was struck by his characterisation of America’s view of Iran: ‘Abroad, the Americans were the least surprised by the result. They assume anyway that Iran is a country seething … Continue reading

When is a good result reported as a bad result?

In at least two of the news summaries on this morning’s example of the lamentable BBC Breakfast programme they reported that “Tory” Sir Patrick Cormack had been re-elected in Staffordshire South with a “reduced majority” in the much delayed General Election vote there following the death of the first LibDem candidate. Nonsense. Sir Patrick, standing as a Conservative (i.e. not the pejorative ‘Tory’ nickname hissed out by disapproving lefties everywhere, … Continue reading

The Shrewd Analyst

Lavished with praise he may be, but ‘liberator of Kabul’ John Simpson, also author of this analysis of the Iranian elections, ought to be a little embarrassed by this contrast: Simpson on Rafsanjani- ‘Unlike any of them, he understands the art of the deal, and is more concerned with what he can get away with than with making big statements.’ meanwhile… Rafsanjani contemplating putting the nuclear kybosh on Israel-‘ “If … Continue reading

Surprised by the obvious.

Brian Micklethwait is in sarcastic mode in this Samizdata post : I am watching the BBC Ten o’clock News, and the lead story is Condoleezza Rice, spelling out the Bush doctrine: US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has delivered a forceful call for democratic reform in the Arab World in a major policy speech in Cairo. The US pursuit of stability in the Middle East at the expense of democracy … Continue reading