Tories go nuclear.

“Tory nuclear waste sites revealed”, says the BBC. A list of 12 sites considered for storing nuclear waste by the last Tory government has been released under the Freedom of Information Act I’m not one to say the Beeb must always accede to Conservative Central Office’s preference for the official name of their party, but count the number of times the word “Tory” occurs in this piece. Mention is made … Continue reading

I have to respectfully disagree with my colleague Kerry Buttram over his last post

I have to respectfully disagree with my colleague Kerry Buttram over his last post. The BBC does some very good work on Zimbabwe, that does it proud. As I wrote last February on this blog Plaudits to the BBC, though, for continuing to do good work on Zimbabwe. Another investigation is on News 24 at the moment. I think some more focus on the latest developments in Zimbabwe would be … Continue reading

An American in London.

Take a look at this new blog, The American Expatriate. The author, Scott Callahan, is what it says on the box. He says his primary aim “is to document and counter the misinformation about America that regularly flows forth from the British media.” Of interest to Beeb-watchers is this post about how the BBC has changed its tune about the release of John Kerry’s military records. But the one I … Continue reading

Why is the Beeb letting a bloodthirsty dictator off the hook?

Under Mugabe’s heel the people of Zimbabwe suffer with nary a peep from the BBC. Go to the Africa page [at time of posting] and you’ll find one tepid story. Admittedly, there are links to this [2June05], this [15Oct04], this [24June04] , this, [28Feb03] this [2July04] and this [27Nov04] on that page, but nothing ‘above the fold’. Why is this not considered a much bigger story than the extremely rare … Continue reading

The BBC’s mysterious graphs.

Last night on Newsnight, reader D. Burbage noticed that in a segment on the Euro (called “Shaking the Currency”), the presenter Paul Mason (subtitle: “Business correspondent”) was explaining some economics to us — which was presented as fact, not as opinion: This graph shows the contribution public spending has made to GDP. While Gordon Brown has been able to use public money to help sustain economic growth, his counterparts in … Continue reading

Attitudinous Auntie Available Online

. I am happy to say that Scott Norvell’s article for the Opinion Journal, which mentioned this site and was discussed in this post, is now available to read online. In other news, the BBC has completely reformed. All traces of bias have been swept away. In a spirit of sincere self-criticism for past errors the entire staff have all agreed to make over their worldly goods to Jeb … Continue reading

As is typical for the Beeb, this BBC article about the Euro is notable for inventing history

As is typical for the Beeb, this BBC article about the Euro is notable for inventing history. Contra the report, ‘Is Europe’s passion for the euro fading?’, which states that ‘It was a idea that could barely be whispered inside Europe’s corridors of power – might the European Union lose its appetite for the euro?’, there was never a time when Europe demonstrated a passion or appetite for the Euro, … Continue reading

Check out this juicy morsel in the mouth of the Rottweiler Puppy!

Check out this juicy morsel in the mouth of the Rottweiler Puppy! Naturally the fellows at the R.P. fully deserve this link for assiduously linking this site and others supportive of Our Cause (and for invaluably antagonising the Enemy- see R.P.’s comments box). Well done chaps! Adda boy, Puppy! Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

“Fair Trade 4 Kidz” Part II

or How the Children’s BBC Website Channels the Anti-Globalisation Lobby. Inspired by a comments debate here I typed in the word “trade” into the search box of the Children’s BBC Newsround site and took a look at what I got. Some of the results referred to illegal trade in animals or animal skins. I excluded these from consideration – perhaps prematurely. My first significant result was “How fair is international … Continue reading