
  The BBC are desperately clutching at straws as their big hope to take down Trump, the case against Paul Manafort, looks like it is unconnected with Trump and the Russians at present….all to do with previous, pre-Trump dealings with Ukrainians.  So the BBC moves rapidly on to another Trump advisor and now pronounce that…. This may be the real blockbuster Initial headlines on Monday morning were about Paul Manafort’s … Continue reading

Withnail and #MeToo

        Sex and the city, politics, showbiz….office romances and unwanted advances, wanted advances…..have we just woken up in the 16th century Puritan England or something?  Why all the shock and amazement?  Did nobody really know all of this went on?  Boris Becker shagging in a restaurant broom cupboard and Prezza doing it just about anywhere with his secretary…..     In 2014 we had this from the … Continue reading

Running for Gover

  Michael Gove has disappointed as he apologises for his joke on R4….but he does a useful job of illustrating the biggest problem we have…the pathetic grovelling of our politicians, businessmen, and commentators to the Liberal, left-wing tyranny that dictates what we can say, think and do.  The all-too-ready willingness to apologise when the Twitterati mobilise and the BBC and Guardian report this as ‘wide-spread disapproval’, the willingness to discard … Continue reading

You must not read this

  Just a reminder of the BBC’s Inquisition-like tendencies in regard to climate change or indeed any right-wing person who dares to speak against the Orthodoxy…..and how ready it is to apologise to those who object to anyone being given a platform on the BBC who might wish to do so. You may recall that the BBC Trust stated that ‘The programme would not be repeated in any form.’ Hmmmm…OK…so … Continue reading

Harrabin…the man who misled the world

  Beeb spanked over Lawson interview. But it’s hard for generalist presenters when interviewees just make up “facts” — roger harrabin (@RHarrabin) October 25, 2017   The only person who makes up facts is Harrabin, along with his mates at the East Anglia climate centre amongst so many others who promote the idea of man-made global warming…especially due to CO2……the world may be warming but is it due at … Continue reading

Black Heart, White Lies

  The BBC continues to play its very dangerous game of divisive and toxic racist identity politics the like of which has already led to police officers being murdered on the streets of America because of a narrative that they are killing Black men because of the colour of their skin…a narrative that has been proven to be untrue but which the BBC still peddles even today as it reports … Continue reading

BBC promotes EU insider’s anti-Brexit message as news

  Here’s the latest Brexit scaremongering from the BBC… Warning over NHS Wales Brexit ‘catastrophe’ Pretty scary eh?  The BBC tells us… Any Brexit which means leaving the single market could be catastrophic for the NHS and particularly devastating in Wales, a health academic has warned. Nick Fahy, a health policy senior researcher at the University of Oxford said a hard or no deal Brexit could leave patients “at immediate … Continue reading