“America’s far right didn’t just put George Bush back in the White House, they’ve also…”

is how the BBC’s Nisha Pillai introduced a report by Brian Barron about the growth of Christian music, radio and publishing in the US on BBC News 24’s Reporters programme this week. Did you notice a far right putsch in the US last November? Me neither, though I do recall a democratic election – one in which the winner took office in accordance with the law. Either the BBC’s definition … Continue reading

Aw, you left out the good bit.

You’ve probably seen this article from the Times. As Neil Craig of A Place To Stand On says, it’s “generally going round the anti-green bits of the net” SOD OFF SWAMPY WHEN 35 Greenpeace protesters stormed the International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) yesterday they had planned the operation in great detail. What they were not prepared for was the post-prandial aggression of oil traders who kicked and punched them back on … Continue reading

Hazel Stein

writes: In browsing the BBC complaints website recently, there is a report on complaints over the last few months, preceded by a statement from Mark Thompson, the Director-General. In that statement, I found a remarkable sentence. He states: “Of course there will always be cases where people are dissatisfied with the BBC’s initial response, and the aim then is to give them the opportunity of independent investigation by the Editorial … Continue reading

Scott Campbell

(from Blithering Bunny) Rare good news story about Iraq sighted at BBC: Iraq’s devastated marshlands can be partially revitalised, says a team writing in the journal Science. (via reader D. Burbage). Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

The BBC’s World.

Ok, first off I’ll admit that I’m a luddite sceptic when it comes to the global environmental debate that seems to have been foisted on us for an indefinite period from around the mid-eighties. I’ve heard little except grave warnings, and deep grave warnings, throughout my life about what a mess we’ve made/are making of the world’s environment. My feeling about this statement has always been that it’s a shame … Continue reading

Scott Campbell

(from Blithering Bunny) EU Serf sends us this report: Kyoto Week, Blame Bush With the expensive and badly conceived Kyoto treaty the major news of the week, the BBC has been running full steam to blame everything on Bush. This morning whilst getting my daily dose of Bush-hating bias, BBC World News ran a story on the coal industry in the USA. In summary the story was something like this: … Continue reading

Not biased, just dumbed down

Discussing the arrest of seven people and recovery of £2.3M by the Irish police, which is almost certainly linked to the IRA robbery at Northern Bank, BBC Radio Scotland news ‘anchorman’ Andrew Cassell in discussion with a fellow BBC hack came out with the following gem: “So they [the IRA] must be bricking it” For the uninitiated, bricking it means to have, er, loose bowels. Click through to read and … Continue reading

Scott Campbell

(from Blithering Bunny) The Guardian: Tessa Jowell, the culture secretary, and Lord Birt, the No 10 policy adviser, are at odds over proposals that would force the corporation to share some of its £2.8bn licence fee income with commercial rivals. Ms Jowell, who has been putting the final touches to a green paper on the BBC charter, is determined to fend off proposals for a new external regulator of the … Continue reading

Scott Campbell

(from Blithering Bunny) From The Telegraph: The BBC apologised yesterday for an item on a religious programme that angered the Jewish community by “demonising” Israel. Dozens of complaints have been received about a story on Radio 4’s Thought for the Day during the Today programme that suggested a Muslim corporal in the Israeli army had been jailed for refusing to shoot Palestinian children. The contributor, the Rev Dr John Bell, … Continue reading

BBC on Orla Guerin’s ‘Godfather’: ‘Home Free’

. Excuse the unusual title, but I remember vividly how, early last year, the phrase ‘Godfather’ was used by Orla to describe Ariel Sharon in an obscure early morning BBC TV news report. I don’t think she meant to flatter him by casting him as a genial, responsible volunteer parent. The point? Well, the latest BBCOnline report on Sharon’s legal position (once a concern, no longer) refers to him in … Continue reading