I’ve been busy

and am late in posting some interesting emails. Jeremy Sharon writes: the BBC reported the IDF’s killing of a ticking bomb terrorist in Nablus on Thursday, April 14 here ,but have thus far failed to report the shooting of a soldier and civilian in Gaza by a sniper of the Popular Resistance Committees today (Monday, April 18) reported here at the Jerusalem Post. The incident last Thursday seems to have … Continue reading

Straight from the horse’s mouth

. BBC political editor Andrew Marr (RealAudio, 3 minutes in) on the Today programme’s legendary neutrality. “… I was talking to an eminent American pollster who’s been observing it closely – and he says that on immigration, Michael Howard has a breakthrough issue – if he’s prepared to use it – but he’s too nervous of the liberal media – you know, er, (laughs) the Today programme, the newspapers and … Continue reading

Letter from a shameless non-payer of the TV licence.

As many of you know, it is the policy of this blog, when publishing letters, to give whatever name (if any) is stated in the text of the email. The writer of the letter below has chosen to give his name. That being so, it is not our place to shield him from the full rigour of the law. My wife and I recently bought a mail-order VCR off Amazon. … Continue reading

Nasty right-wingers

A leader from today’s Telegraph: “…in the BBC’s world, being called Right-wing is every bit as injurious to your good name as being thought to be a genocidal monster…” Click here for full article (registration may be required) A subject previously covered on this very blog, good to see mainstream media catching up. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive / But to be young was very heaven

A Happening for Voice and Internet in one Act. CAST: A wise old STORYTELLER A nasty TROUBLEMAKER With commentary from the CHORUS, sung by the CHILDREN’S BBC WEBSITE. STORYTELLER: Gather round, children. With the help of our friends the BBC, I am going to tell you a story, nay an epic; an epic of hope long frustrated, of struggle, of eventual victory! It all started in 2001. Those on the … Continue reading

This you have to see…

Rich Hall, the ranting left-wing American comedian the BBC is always having on, has stumbled across Tim Blair’s site, and noticed that Tim has made fun of Hall (and Philip Adams, the ABC radio host who’s had Hall on his show) on a more than a few occasions, so he’s sent Blair a bizarre, hostile e-mail. Stumbled across your site while I was reading about the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. … Continue reading

BBC 4 is at this moment running a cosy little mutual back-scratching show about the London Review of Books

BBC 4 is at this moment running a cosy little mutual back-scratching show about the London Review of Books, starting off with some quotes from left-wing BBC-oids such as Tom Paulin and Tariq Ali. Ali said it was zany (yes, zany). Paulin said it was great at stirring up trouble (the right sort of trouble though, right Tom?). A list of mostly left-wing or radical writers such as Edward Said … Continue reading

“There is an obvious solution to MG Rover’s problems,”

writes a reader, “and I am really quite surprised nobody has yet proffered it. It is as follows. In order to ensure that MG Rover remains fully funded in perpetuity, all the government need do is introduce a Motor Vehicle Licence of say £116 a year, which would be payable by everybody who owns any car. If you own more than one car, the MVL would be the same, and … Continue reading