It’s not just that the BBC is biased but that the bias is profound, insidious and damaging to our Nation state. A daily anti-Brexit story a day is de rigeur. One could be forgiven for thinking that the EU entirely funds the BBC output such is the globalist spin it puts on every major issue. Anyway, here is where you detail the bias!

The Only Good Jihadi….

Curious, the rather leftie Tory, Rory Stewart, says of Jihadis… kill ’em…and he says it on the BBC…and yet I don’t seem to be able to find the story on the BBC website.  A British MP, a government minister no less, says kill British Jihadis and yet the BBC stays silent?  Extraordinary.  Probably checking with Labour to see what stance they take on it….shocked ‘outrage’ or resigned acceptance of a … Continue reading

Ploughman’s Punch

  Talking of the BBC inventing history…here’s another example….the BBC is often keen on using the ‘Justinian’s Flea’ method of ascribing runs of history to very specific, singular events…such as the invention of the plough.  This apparently kickstarted civilisation and led to the misery we all have to suffer now with its capitalism, inequality, war and oppression…. and bad food. The plough was a simple yet transformative technology. It was … Continue reading

From Russia with Love

    When Britain Invaded Russia The brutal war a century ago which transformed Russia’s relations with the west.   A hundred years since the Russian Revolution and apparently, according to the BBC, everything that has happened since has been our fault…..we are the reason the Russians are so bolshy.  Can’t help thinking the BBC are using this anniversary to push a bit of agitprop to help Corbyn out…telling us … Continue reading

Allah Snackbar

    Funny old world.  Muslims insist they are doing Jihad and joining the Islamic State in the name of Allah to further his religion and the BBC insists they are not.  They are, the BBC insists, deluded, ignorantly perverting the religion of peace and doing things Muhammed would never have countenanced…despite the ISIS blitz across the Middle East being exactly what Muhammed did…conquering and colonisation, chopping off heads, taking … Continue reading

Czech Mate

  Another domino fallen and yet it just wasn’t supposed to happen, the surge to the Right was a blip that ended as people came to their senses and voted for Macron and Merkel.  The Czech voters proved the BBC wrong…as did the Austrians. After the Austrian result the BBC played down the fact that a right-winger had been elected and indeed tried to compare him to Trudeau and Macron… … Continue reading


  I always thought Burger King was the home of the Whopper but it seems increasingly that it is the BBC’s most prestigious current affairs programme…the Today show.  Lie after lie after lie and it’s from Remain propagandists who are oddly enough nearly always given the prime 08:10 spot.  The BBC is entirely corrupt and seems to get away with it. The BBC’s Nick Robinson, who we know is completely … Continue reading

Fake News Groupies

  You couldn’t make it up.  Who does the BBC have as a guest presenter on the Today show today? CNN’s chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour was a guest presenter on the Today programme this morning. So the Trump hating BBC brings on a journalist from the Trump hating CNN to interview an Obama wonk about Trump… Jake Sullivan, former director of policy planning for Obama says we are in … Continue reading

‘Little Finger’ gives us the finger

  The Today show once again gave the prime-time slot to a Remainer, New Labour’s very own Little Finger, Peter Mandelson.  He came on and told the most blatant of lies, lies that have been exposed again and again…even on the BBC itself…and yet Justin Webb allowed him to make these totally false claims building a case for Parliament to take over the final decision on Brexit….the People were just … Continue reading