Fact-checking with feeling.

In this story of a dispute over the Olympic flame in Cyprus the BBC gives us this geographically-challenged nugget: The flame, which is transported in a structure similar to a miner’s safety lamp while in flight, arrived earlier on Thursday at the coastal resort of Pathos, in the south-west. [emphasis added] Someone needs a holiday. Paphos will do. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.


Another attempt to pass lamentable anti-free speech laws in the UK, but note this sloppy slide: ‘Current race hate laws do cover some religions, such as Jews and Sikhs, but not others. Some Muslim groups have been pushing for that anomaly to be redressed.’ This is, of course, not true. Current race laws deal with Jews and Sikhs as races, not with Judaism and Sikhism as religions. Similarly, they cover … Continue reading

Racism in Sydney

In this piece, a roving correspondent for the BBC went to Sydney to see what is happening with one Aboriginal community in Australia’s most notorious and crime-ridden Aboriginal ubran area, Redfern. Unfortunately, we get shallow, noble savage rot: ‘I imagined them to be a dark-skinned people, the men with bushy beards, eking out a living in the country’s outback. Instead I found a lost people, bereft of their culture and … Continue reading

Why is it all white and cold suddenly?

Via Instapundit, two interesting links. The first is to a Telegraph article citing BBC internal memos to the effect that the BBC’s credibility is on the line online if fact-checking doesn’t improve. The second link also offers some good advice. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

Conspiracy theory goes mainstream.

Have you noticed how paranoid fantasies of the most laughable sort have been edging towards the mainstream lately? So long, of course, as it is the right sort of conspiracy theory i.e. has Dubya and Mossad in it. Rob Hinkley of Semiskinned reports how a Wayne Madsen was quoted by the BBC as a credible source. Note and follow the copious links Rob provides to demonstrate the general tenor of … Continue reading

IF you read the BBC’s

Damian Fowler’s report on the continuing controversy over Fahrenheit 9/11, you are led to believe some shifting of tectonic plates has occurred in US politics. No, this is not just Michael Moore going for a walk, it’s a real ‘liberal’ (liberal as in MoveOn.org) awakening in the US. The introduction is a classic bit of emotionalism, depicting the awakening in tears of a former US marine whose twin brother was … Continue reading

An unconsciously revealing snippet.

Polly Toynbee, a strong supporter of the BBC, in a Guardian article advocating that smacking children be banned, says: Debating the generally excellent Children Act, the Lords votes on a ban of all hitting of children, an amendment which is supported by every children’s organisation and charity, social services directors, chief police officers, bishops, the NSPCC and most relevant organisations. To find opponents outside Westminster, the BBC has to resort … Continue reading

‘BBC Finds New Nadir’

, says Charles at LGF (check out some of the informed comments too). I think he means that with respect to the BBC’s journalistic reputation, to be caught reporting that the Jordanian people ‘are largely of Palestinian origin’ is demonstrably to be caught trying to turn the truth on its head: ‘However, the Jordanian people, who are largely of Palestinian origin, are strongly opposed to Washington’s policy in the region, … Continue reading

More on Michael Moore-on, beloved darling of our beloved BBC.

Last Sunday’s Sunday Times’ News Review section had a revealing article by Richard Brooks, entitled Me and Michael, the stupid fat man (possibly requires free registration). If you don’t have time to read the full article, here are a couple of paragraphs to give a flavour of it: “Moore’s world — like America — is divided. For him there are the good guys and the bad guys. But which one … Continue reading

Once more the dread plague strikes!

The little numbers in brackets indicating comments next to some of the posts from a few days ago are behaving oddly again. They now say tiny numbers like (0) and (1) even though, if you check, much larger numbers of juicy comments are still there to be read. So if you visit weekly, you might like to click on the comments even if none are indicated. I don’t know why … Continue reading