More than you wanted to know (about Michael Moore).

The BBC continues to flog F911, which is ok. But it should be fair about it and get its facts right, even if Mr Moore fails miserably on both points. The BBC headline ‘Moore film divides America’ introduces an article which notes both the devisive character of Moore and his propaganda. That would be fair enough if the article did not give impression that it is only Republican Bush supporters … Continue reading

The roots of suspicion.

A reader writes: Unfortunately, I missed the reporter’s name, but this morning on BBC radio Five-Live, Nicky Campbell was discussing the fate of Saddam Hussein, now that he is to be turned over to the new Iraqi government, with a BBC reporter in Iraq. After talking about how whatever is done with him must be very public, the reporter said: “Iraqis won’t believe what they are told. They will only … Continue reading

Spot the odd man out. takes a look at the way the BBC phrased the potted biographies of the participants in a roundup of views on Iraq. I would have thought this trick was now so well known as to be unusable. Seems I was wrong. Why not search under “bbc” on the blog while you’re there? Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

So many people

, commenters and emailers both, pointed me to this article by Tom Gross about the BBC Living in a Bubble that I got it into my head that it had already been linked to here. It hadn’t but it now has. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

Why the sudden interest?

Peter writes (regarding the media study mentioned in the post two down): Following a link provided by a regular leftie Biased-BBC hater (supposedly to point to the error of your ways), leads to this Pilger screed: link to “How the Media Cover for Israel”. Pilger mentions the Glasgow Media Group Middle East media coverage study currently in the news. Check the date. The ‘new’ study is actually from May 2002. … Continue reading

Unfairenheit coverage at the BBC

: Moore can rely on them not to point out that the reaction or ‘backlash‘ against his Fahrenheit 9/11 film goes far beyond Republican loyalists. To name but three Democrat-oriented media figures commonly accessed on the internet- Roger Simon, Jeff Jarvis and Christopher Hitchens. I don’t know about Hitchens and Simon, but Jarvis doesn’t plan on voting for Bush- yet he flays Moore’s film; absolutely flays it. Simon, a novelist, … Continue reading

Britons confused

: under the headline ‘Britons confused about mid-east’, BBC Ceefax informs us that “A new survey has shown that many people in Britain think the Palestinians are occupying Israeli territory and not the other way around.” Lest the ridiculousness of any such thought not strike you sufficiently, it immediately adds, “Despite extensive media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, some Britons think Palestinians are refugees from Afghanistan.” Clearly, the two ideas … Continue reading

Shoulder to shoulder – with Hamas.

There is much discussion on Instapundit of a three-year old but still interesting story originally from the Jerusalem Post. A BBC correspondent, Faid Abu Shimalla, was described on the Hamas website as having said at a function attended by no less a dignitary than the late Sheikh Ahmed Yassin that journalists and media organisations were “waging the campaign shoulder-to-shoulder together with the Palestinian people.” (Via Free Will Blog.) A quick … Continue reading