An exercise for the reader.

The BBC provides 170 news-based lesson plans for teachers. Some strange force drew me towards the section on the EU. In this “myths or facts” quiz the pupil is asked to say whether each of five reports in which it is said that the EU does or does not wish to ban, change or rename some aspect of British life, are facts or myths. It turns out that number four … Continue reading

We have had to delete

some comments recently. May I draw your attention to our comments policy: This comments facility is the property of ‘Biased BBC’ blog. The owners of this blog reserve the right to edit, amend or remove all and any comments for reasons of libel, gratuitous insult or any other legal or policy reasons or any other reasons we judge fit. By posting comments here you accept and acknowledge the absolute and … Continue reading

Hammorabbi hammers the Beeb over war

…against W. Apparently, some reporting stinks in Baghdad too. Here is the entire post. The War against GWB The new report by the US Senate regarding intelligence failure about WMD may be part of the war against GWB! The question that they should ask themselves about is; what will happen if Saddam remained in power in regard to the issue of the international terrorism. Sooner or later; SH will side … Continue reading

Sanitising the record.

The BBC, never known to flinch from airing dirty linen, becomes strangely hesitant when reporting on the Kerry-Edwards ‘love-in’. It is hard to imagine that they are reporting the same event as the LA Times [requires free registration] and the Washington Post [requires free registration]. In the Times story we read– But praise for the two running mates was overshadowed by angry and mocking comments directed at President Bush. The … Continue reading

The devil is in the detail.

Jim Miller compares and contrasts the Sun‘s treatment of the visit to Britain of Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who advocates wife beating, execution for homosexuals and suicide bombing by children, to the BBC’s much more insipid account. Reader Patrick Bramwell sends another link and writes: An utterly appalling whitewash of Al-Qaradawi on today’s UK BBC Online. The man is the soul of moderation, in tune with the mainstream Arab thinking, and … Continue reading

He he he

, heh- Instapundit and friends clean up the BBC over a falsehood followed by a stealth edit: it’s what happens when you have 100,000 potential fact-checking assistants passing by daily. As for the BBC story about French intransigence over UN sanctions against Sudan, the change is dramatic: ‘It’s now: “France led opposition to US moves at the UN over Iraq. As was the case in Iraq, it also has significant … Continue reading

Fact-checking with feeling.

In this story of a dispute over the Olympic flame in Cyprus the BBC gives us this geographically-challenged nugget: The flame, which is transported in a structure similar to a miner’s safety lamp while in flight, arrived earlier on Thursday at the coastal resort of Pathos, in the south-west. [emphasis added] Someone needs a holiday. Paphos will do. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.


Another attempt to pass lamentable anti-free speech laws in the UK, but note this sloppy slide: ‘Current race hate laws do cover some religions, such as Jews and Sikhs, but not others. Some Muslim groups have been pushing for that anomaly to be redressed.’ This is, of course, not true. Current race laws deal with Jews and Sikhs as races, not with Judaism and Sikhism as religions. Similarly, they cover … Continue reading

Racism in Sydney

In this piece, a roving correspondent for the BBC went to Sydney to see what is happening with one Aboriginal community in Australia’s most notorious and crime-ridden Aboriginal ubran area, Redfern. Unfortunately, we get shallow, noble savage rot: ‘I imagined them to be a dark-skinned people, the men with bushy beards, eking out a living in the country’s outback. Instead I found a lost people, bereft of their culture and … Continue reading

Why is it all white and cold suddenly?

Via Instapundit, two interesting links. The first is to a Telegraph article citing BBC internal memos to the effect that the BBC’s credibility is on the line online if fact-checking doesn’t improve. The second link also offers some good advice. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.