Er….that’s not why we booked you!

  Highly amused….The Today show announced this morning…. Having been released from his position of National Security Adviser, Sir Mark Lyall Grant is now warning about the complexity of setting up new defence and security arrangements with the EU after Brexit. Just a shame the good Sir Mark didn’t get the memo and was going wildly off message telling us Brexit didn’t really pose any threat to security as we … Continue reading

Contemptuous and a little barmy

  Remarkable…prime time on the Today show and it’s another Remainder making his case to stop Brexit in its tracks…naturally he doesn’t want that, merely the right to properly oversee the process and uphold democracy.  Ken Clarke grabbed the 08:10 spot and was his usual contemptuous, patronising, louche self as he dispensed his wisdom and arrogantly laid down the law declaring that Parliament must have the ability to veto a … Continue reading

Becky Branford’s Agitprop

Yesterday we revealed how a revolutionary marxist is working as a reporter at BBC News. Now let’s look at just one of her articles, the merest tip of the iceberg: Is populism a threat to Europe’s economies? After putting forward the view of the ECB, she then devotes the rest of the article to criticising it, “Has the ECB got its analysis the wrong way about?”.  This concluding segment heavily quotes Olivier … Continue reading

See Change?

  Panic stations in Liberal ÜberAllesLand when Trump and Brexit happened and there seemed to be an unstoppable rising tide of Rightwingery across Europe.  But how they cheered when Wilders in Holland and Le Pen in France didn’t triumph….the tide had turned, the People had come to their senses and seen off the threat of a return to the Thirties that loomed large.  The Liberals could relax whilst they plotted … Continue reading

Catalonia leader Puigdemont “fails” to clarify independence bid

Catalonia leader Puigdemont fails to clarify independence bid Fails? According to who? Why, the Spanish government of course, who set the deadline demanding that he “clarify” the situation. The BBC have taken the side of the Spanish government, adopting their framing of events. An alternative headline would be: Catalonia leader Puigdemont succeeds in bypassing Spanish deadline

Exclusive – BBC reporter Becky Branford is a Marxist and member of Momentum

Becky Branford isn’t exactly a household name, but she has been contributing to BBC News for over a decade. Today she described meeting her hero, Thomas Sankara – Marxist revolutionary Thomas Sankara that is – ‘Africa’s Che Guevara’. Becky explained after Karl Marx was voted the greatest thinker of the 20th century how “Karl Marx’s theories are so versatile that they can be used to understand and explain situations that confront us … Continue reading

A Cunning Stunt

      If you’ve been watching the news very carefully, well not carefully at all as it’s so blatant, you may have noticed there has been a certain narrative as a stream of high profile Remainders keep popping up as if on a schedule in that news making alarming and lurid claims about Brexit.   The Sun claimed that Marr was decidedly pro-Remain and the BBC hit back with a … Continue reading

Reality Check

A regular news feature we are badgered with is “Reality Check“. Most news sites now have a blog like this, though usually it’s called fact checking rather than reality checking. Reality suggests that the BBC news team somehow have access to reality itself, presumably a Godlike and omnipotent understanding that mere mortals such as us could never comprehend. They are never wrong. Never mind any philosophical objections you may have … Continue reading

Exclusive – The truth about Brexit and Hate Crime

One of the favourite narratives of the BBC is that Brexit is somehow caused by racism and xenophobia, and is in turn a cause of racism and xenophobia. This narrative was given a lot of fuel by statistics that emerged showing that hate crime had increased following the referendum. They even quoted Superintendent Paul Giannasi, who explained that Brexit “isn’t really over for most people”. But who exactly is Paul … Continue reading