This Just In–American Liberal Newspapers ‘Unimpressed’ with Bush Speech

sez Beeb. It is good of the BBC to call attention to the obvious, but they did manage to miss Bush’s apology. UPDATE: Fred Barnes and T. Bevan explain why Bush has self-important media elites climbing the walls. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.


writes: One story prominently featured over the Easter holiday weekend was the leftie march to Aldermaston, including various puff-pieces in advance (i.e. advertising for fellow-travellers). Monday’s ‘News front page’ featured two links to stories about this relative non-event. The same story is highlighted a day later on the UK news page: Joy as nuclear marchers hit base Deep joy indeed. The story, by Hannah Bayman, features interviews with various protestors, … Continue reading

The BBC Missionary Position

– it’s like the normal missionary position, except you approach it from the left. When the corporation that spent a reported £2M on Popetown (an everyday story about corrupt Catholic cardinals and a mad Pope ) and the presenter Gavin Esler (author and presenter of The New Jerusalem, a hymn to the welfare state in Britain) decide to discuss the subject of Christian missionaries, the outcome is decidedly predictable. So … Continue reading

First we got the bomb

First we got the bomb, and that was good ‘Cause we love peace and motherhood Then Russia got the bomb, but that’s okay ‘Cause the balance of power’s maintained that way – so sung the American satirist Tom Lehrer.But the Beeb tells it differently. Michael Gill writes: I visited the following URL: “Still fighting the bomb, 50 years on.” (Typical output from the Beeb) From that page, I followed the … Continue reading

Islamist, not Islamic.

Ceefax is a bit of a poor relation nowadays. Even so they ought not to let this through: yesterday’s page 120, headed “Algeria’s leader wins landslide” said, Mr Bouteflika is credited with taming an Islamic insurgency which has claimed some 100,000 lives in two years. No dout the insurgents themselves claim to be the true representatives of Islam. But there is no reason for the BBC to underwrite this claim. … Continue reading

Which does the BBC believe? Conspiracy theorists or its own reporters?

A reader writes: As of 00:21 UTC this story is linked on the BBC’s front foreign web page: “End of an era: Debate still rages over the toppling of Saddam’s statue” To his credit, Mr. Wood includes his firsthand recollection that the crowd at the Saddam statue (which some have claimed was faked) was in the several hundreds. To his shame, he mentions that wide shot of the square as … Continue reading

Anthony Cox

isn’t so happy. He recounts one of those little gems of newsreader wit that the BBC fondly imagines make the newsreaders more lovable. The post below about the three headed toad is also interesting. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.