On the same subject

of “professional journalists” you might be interested to visit the website of one Greg Palast, producer of documentaries for the BBC. Don’t fail to notice the fair, evenhanded approach Mr Palast takes. No axes to grind here, I’m sure. Tomorrow the BBC will broadcast the latest version of its ‘Bush lied’ mantra on Newsnight, a production Greg Palast unabashedly flogs on his site. Feel free to visit PowerLine too, to … Continue reading

Did you hear the good news out of Iraq?

Norm Geras doesn’t want you to miss the results of this poll commissioned by several news orgs including the Beeb and America’s ABC News. Let’s hope the Beeb editors can resist the urge to bury this one. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

Nigeria polio vaccine scare: update

. In what looks like a hopeful development, the BBC reports that Kano State is now going to vaccinate, but using Asian-made vaccines – the idea being that Asian vaccines are safe from CIA and Mossad contaminants. This sounds like a face-saver to me, but sheesh, whatever works. Since it is now the case as the story says that “half of the world’s new polio cases originate in northern Nigeria” … Continue reading

Shoulder to Shoulder.

There is an interesting article in American Thinker magazine. The writer, Michael Morris, contrasts the British media response to the September 11 attacks in the US with the British media response to the March 11 attacks in Spain, concentrating on the left wing outlets. Morris matter-of-factly places the BBC in this category. (Thanks to

I’m angry

Convulsed even. I’ve been watching Channel 4’s “News”. I know, it’s not the BBC but it’s all part of the same thing: the cancer of bent and twisted journalism. Bastards. I want these people to feel pain. I mean real pain. The sort of thing only a professional torturer can dole out. It’s the only thing I think that will ever wake them up to reality and the responsibilities of … Continue reading

The BBC looks at the life and death of Mohammed Abbas.

If I were asked to indicate the single most damning evidence of BBC bias and moral cowardice in recent years, I think I might pick the way the BBC reported the capture of Mohammed Abbas last April. In the course of the report they had to mention the murder of Leon Klinghoffer, that being the crime for which the Palestine Liberation Front, which Abbas led, was most well known. Watching … Continue reading

Attack ads.

A reader writes: I found this article as I was surfing the BBC website. The BBC tells its readers that the right wing group Citizens United has started to launch attack ads portraying John Kerry as a liberal elitist from massachusetts. These attack ads started to run throughout the United States only on Monday. Clearly the BBC wants to give its readers the impression that poor little John Kerry, from … Continue reading

David Bakin

writes: I’m not sure if this sneer is evidence of bias, or not: maybe they just fell for the line peddled to them by the radio company; but explaining why satellite radio in your car is catching on in America they say: “Often in rural areas the only choices were country music, religious output, or crackle.” I have no experience driving through rural areas but I doubt this is true. … Continue reading

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…

Gavin writes: …am gobsmacked to see that Newsnight Review has that well-known anti-Semite Tom Paulin on again this evening (Friday 5 March). I’ve given up complaining to the BBC myself, and so am relying on you to pass this on to the relevant blogs! Just in case anyone had forgotten, Robert Kilroy-Silk made some comments about Arabs that combined home truths with some unlovable and boorish generalisations. In no way … Continue reading