Shocked and appalled…not so much

  Hillary Clinton so shocked and appalled at the Dem’s big donor’s behaviour that she’ll be handing back all the money….or will she?…Marr didn’t ask the very obvious question. Maybe Clinton was in fact shocked and appalled at Marr’s interview…it did seem as if rather than setting out to actually quiz Clinton with some tough questions, such as her own husband’s abuse of power to pull the girls, [Clinton was … Continue reading

Jimmy Riddle

  I await with interest to see which way Harding swings [in the new year] when he leaves the BBC as he sets out to ‘report’ news slanted to suit his own world view….which apparently he couldn’t do at the BBC…so presumably he is a rabid right-winger as lefties have no problem pushing their own agendas on the BBC….. The BBC‘s director of news and current affairs James Harding is … Continue reading

Corbyn…resolute man of steel

  One month ago to the day Corbyn said this… Jeremy Corbyn: UK should not supply arms to Saudi Arabia Corbyn has been saying the same thing for a long time now and his fellow travellers at the BBC have been campaigning[and yes that is the right word] along similar lines constantly attacking Saudi Arabia for its alleged human rights failures in the war in Yemen demanding arms sales stop. … Continue reading

The Reign in Spain is mostly fascist

  Whatever suits you best. The British vote for Brexit and are called Fascists and racists, the Spanish try to stop an independence movement and keep Catalonia in Spain and the EU and they are Fascists for doing so….Sometime BBC contributor Jake Wallis Simpson [he who also decided he didn’t like Buddhists as they were so violent…Muslims on the other hand]….. The fascists, I realised, had based themselves in a … Continue reading

The Productivity Puzzle Puzzle

  For years the BBC has been trying to pin the blame for low productivity on austerity, they kept on raising the subject and telling us how awfully awful this was and yet they just couldn’t find a reason for it…it was all a big puzzle….wilfully avoiding mentioning that mass immigration of cheap labour meant low wages and little research, development and investment in skills by Business. However, glory be, … Continue reading

Pure common sense no?

    Jim Naughty interviewed Wee Shuggy this morning and I was pleased to have come away with a new way of looking at life. Apparently Brexit has meant Britain has descended into chaos and uncertainty [?], this proves that Scotland would be better off independent and able to run its own affairs…therefore vote for independence….would that be a Scottishit? Hmmm….so independence from the EU brings chaos and uncertainty, to … Continue reading

Triple Tripe…Norman’s wisdom

  The best things come in threes so they say and the BBC must agree as it lectures us  on what we can say and think. We’ve had Nihal educating stupid white people who think mass immigration has been bad for the housing market. We’ve had Nicky Campbell telling us we can’t compare the EU to the Soviet era….that’s just hysterical nonsense. And now we’ve had Norman Smith telling us … Continue reading