Rich writes:

On the morning thing, they had David Attenborough, they showed 2 minutes of one of his excellent nature shows and then cut back to the sofa. “Will we ever see programmes like that again?” asked Bill Turnbull. Of course, now that they have been exposed for what they are, all documentaries and period drama will be pulled from our screen. It’s an inevitable concequence, isn’t it? Oh, and did you … Continue reading

John Perry writes:

Everything you need to know about the BBC on one page. …within hours of director general Greg Dyke’s resignation on Thursday, there were unprecedented scenes of spontaneous support and raw emotion from BBC employees outside Television Centre.” Passing drivers… honked their horns in a cacophony of support. “It’s an unprecedented show of determination and support, for the BBC and its values,” said Jeremy Dear of the National Union of Journalists…” … Continue reading

“…It would be easy and tempting merely to pronounce victory, to crow smugly and to damn the BBC.

“So I shall do all of those things.”

Here is a righteous summing up of the Hutton verdict and its causes and consequences from Oliver Kamm. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

And so the war goes on

‘The White House has acknowledged for the first time that its intelligence reports on Iraq might have been wrong. ‘ -BBC introduces report of Con Rice’s interviews. “I think that what we have is evidence that there are differences between what we knew going in and what we found on the ground” -Con Rice on CBS The two statements do not agree- the difference is subtle but crucial, aside from … Continue reading

Greg Resigns! BBC Apologises!

Ah, let’s begin our favourite Then and Now comparisons: ‘In fact last year I was sitting at a dinner party in London next to a charming American woman who asked me what I did. I said I run the BBC. She then informed me she regarded the BBC as a communistic organisation. That was decision time. Did I get into a detailed argument about publicly funded broadcasting with someone who … Continue reading

On Being Ungracious

. Not surprised to hear from the Guardian of Gilligan anger and NUJ militant spin in the face of Hutton’s well aimed punches. I’m also not surprised to hear that Gavyn Davies made an ungracious exit, questioning Hutton’s ‘bald conclusions’ even as he looked up at his red card, or that any number of people, including the Tory Leader, Michael Howard (in his way), will give comfort to the BBC … Continue reading


, in the light of BBBC’s continuous stream of comments on BBC bias, and some report a judge has filed, BBC Chairman Gavyn Davies has an announcement to make. HE’S RESIGNING! (Thanks, Susan) Update: There’s wisdom in the comments from Patrick B : ‘Gavyn Davies to offer to resign—but what about DYKE and the rest of the sorry gang of propaganda artists? And will the Board of Governors ACCEPT the … Continue reading

Some (random?) Key Points To Share From The Hutton Report:

-The 45 minute claim was not absent from the first draft of the Iraq dossier because it was considered unreliable, but because it was intelligence gathered too late to be included. -It was from what was believed to be a trustworthy source and it was not true that there always had to be a second source for intelligence to be deemed trustworthy. Many of the assumptions that Gilligan made were … Continue reading