They’re behind you…to the hilt!!!

  Tories who want to lose an election so that we are forced to stay in the EU.  Traitors to Party, Country, Democracy and The People?   Curious how Boris has been absolutely pilloried by the BBC over the last three weeks and his ‘disloyalty’ to May highlighted and denounced. Odd how ‘Remain’ Tory MPs are not so treated as they actually seek to unseat May as PM never mind … Continue reading

Because you’re worth it…her…not so much!

    Apparently there is no pay gap between women and men at Radio 2… The boss of Radio 2’s pronouncement that “there’s no gender pay issue here at all” has been met with scorn by BBC women. Lewis Carnie, whose promotion to head of the music station was announced last November, denied that it had a gender pay gap. “In our case at Radio 2, there is no gender … Continue reading

McAlpine innocent…then let’s get another Tory!!

  The BBC’s coverage of the police failure to get any evidence against Ted Heath seems somewhat careless with its innuendo leaving you with the impression the BBC is declaring Heath guilty…their major narrative all day has been that … Sir Edward Heath ‘would have been questioned’ over abuse claims The over emphasis on this and manner it is pronounced as if somehow massively legally meaningful suggests guilt despite this … Continue reading

Von Druncker’s Express to Ever Closer Union

    During the EU referendum the BBC studiously ignored the negatives of staying in the EU preferring to extol its supposed virtues, though even those are somewhat dubious.  One of the major problems with the EU is its intention to create the EU superstate with complete financial, political, economic, industrial and military powers taken over from the individual states thus destroying their status as individual, sovereign nations with all … Continue reading

Catch ’em young

    What we always knew about the BBC attitude…..catch ’em young and keep ’em hooked for life…hence any attempts to criticise the BBC will be met with blinkered, adoring, mindless love for it or indifference to the BBC’s faults…..after all isn’t ‘uncle’ Attenborough so friendly and the animals so cuddly…how’d we cope without the BBC’s warm embrace…never mind the dodgy news and left-wing bigotry, we just love Attenborough…. There’s … Continue reading


  Horror!!  Nasty nationalist little Catalonians, those bigoted, racist little Catalonians who want to go it alone and declare independence!!!  Their referendum will surely give licence to the racists to start attacking ‘foreigners’ in Catalonia and will certainly encourage those wishing to relive the Franco era to come out from under their stones. Oh…hang on…that’s the BBC message about Brexit not Catalan…Catalonians are brave resisters who are fighting the Fascist, … Continue reading

Blinkered on the road to Hell

  Deep joy….on the same day….from the BBC: Highway to Heaven What one Canadian street could teach the world about religious harmony and Edmonton: Five injured in Canada ‘terror’ incidents Canadian police have confirmed they are investigating possible acts of terrorism after multiple incidents in Edmonton, Alberta, on Saturday night. They said a police officer controlling traffic at a Canadian Football League game was struck by a car at high … Continue reading