Cyrus the Virus in your head and home

Big Brother wants to know all about you…..the BBC’s collection of personal information as you register for the iPlayers was passed off as a an attractive positive that meant they could personalise and tailor their service to you and your watching habits.  Of course it was mainly a means to try and force you to sign up to the licence fee had you not done so but it does have … Continue reading

Could Well Be Right

  The Left’s intention is to destroy the Western world and remake it as utopian multicultural paradise.  What the Left seems to miss is that the West is, for all its faults, the best of all possible worlds and that when they destroy it the world doesn’t get better it gets much, much worse and descends into third world squalor, poverty and violence as those wonderful multicultural Western paradises turn … Continue reading

Fools Rush In

  Sarah Brett on 5 Live asserted as fact that Breitbart was a Far-Right publication and that its readership was mainly white supremacists.  Perhaps Breitbart should get the lawyers in. The BBC has also been snearing at Trump all day for his latest comments about the destruction or removal of Confederate statues… US President Donald Trump has denounced the removal of “beautiful” Confederate statues amid a heated national debate about … Continue reading

Nazis are socialists…and Socialists killed millions upon millions of people

The German reaction is particularly strong – they know what they're talking about. — Katty Kay (@KattyKayBBC) August 16, 2017 Shouldn’t the Far-Left also be confronted?…surely Germany knows all about them as well having been under the communist jackboot for half a century, never mind all those millions imprisoned, tortured and killed by Socialists across the world.  Maybe that’s just too sophisticated an argument for poor old Katty Kay … Continue reading

Amiss in Blunderland

    R4 has a series on the Internet and its creation and development….Aleks in Wonderland: The Story of the Internet: Just how did the Internet become the most powerful communications medium on the planet, and why does it seem to be an uncontrollable medium for good and bad? With no cross border regulation the internet can act as an incredible force for connecting people and supporting human rights and … Continue reading

The British Wiped Out The Dinosaurs…no…really…says BBC

  Muslim fundamentalists set off bombs in the UK killing and injuring hundreds, Muslim fundamentalists launch attacks on British citizens driving vehicles into them killing and injuring them, Muslim fundamentalists attack British citizens with knives in the street, Muslim fundamentalists impose their religion upon schools using intimidation and deception, Muslim fundamentalists use the race card to ‘blackmail’ government and institutions to bow to their demands, Muslims who see them as … Continue reading

‘There Is No Violent Hate-Crimewave in ‘Trump’s America”

  Some perspective on the ever rising tide of hate crime #duetoTrump…much if it seems fabricated….. There Is No Violent Hate-Crimewave in ‘Trump’s America’ Let’s get this out of the way: there’s no doubt that Donald Trump’s policies may pose a direct threat to certain classes of American people. But in the wake of his Tuesday night election as president of the United States, there has been a wave of … Continue reading

Whistling Dixie

      The hypocrisy flooding out of the media in torrents concerning Trump and his wide ranging condemnation of bigotry, hatred and racism on all sides is a wonder to behold…utter shamelessness of the left-wing media including our own sainted BBC which has declared that the Far Right are ‘Trump’s shock troops’ and today told us that Trump had signed a ‘Faustian pact’ with the white supremacists….they are apparently … Continue reading