Labour Pains

  Labour went round the media studios trying to find someone mug enough to give airtime to their latest piece of political spin doctoring as they tell us maternity services are in crisis…maternity centres having to turn away patients and not enough beds….the BBC willingly took on the task of informing the nation of this disaster…naturally the problem is too few midwives and not enough money. Curiously not a single … Continue reading

Ghetto, Black and Irrelevant

Is Classical music too posh, too white and too irrelevant? ???? @chichinwanoku is guest editing from 1-2. ???? — BBC Radio 5 live (@bbc5live) August 1, 2017   A while ago the BBC was giving publicity to a black classical musician who suggested that classical music was too ‘posh, white and irrelevant’….a racist statement if ever there was one but the BBC didn’t mind hyping that idea just … Continue reading

No flies on EU eggs

  Why did the chlorinated chicken cross the Atlantic?  So that it could get its eggs sprayed with insecticide in the EU.  ha ha ha. 700,000 Euro eggs contaminated with insectide have made their way to Britain.  This is not a problem as I heard on R4 today.  700,000 is a drop in the ocean and anyway we shouldn’t be worried as, well, they’re in the food chain…so er no … Continue reading

The Gap of Understanding and a Dangerous EU

  Blair was on R4 today having a  quick spin through his life and works.  Amusingly introduced as a Prime Minister who had ‘energetic policies at home and abroad’.   We got little new…except one pro-Brexit ‘bombshell’…ignored by the BBC of course….. A ‘powerful media destroyed Kinnock’…hmm…no, he was a useless windbag.  This apparently was one thing that encouraged Blair to keep an iron grip on his party and its utterances … Continue reading

A little of what does you good

  The BBC brings us the odd interview with Brexit supporters though far more with Remainers, but more insidious is the relentless undercurrent of pro-EU propaganda that is slipped into programming under the guise of other subjects.  Guests interviewed on say their latest book or record or some non-directly EU related subject will often volunteer, or failing that be asked to talk about, their opinion on the EU and/or Brexit.  … Continue reading

Anthem for Doomed Youth

Who knew the sinister and malignant Vince Cable was in Zulu.   To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.   Over the centuries the British have saved Europe from the ravages of Napoleon, the Prussians, Hitler and his Nazis, and the Soviet tank armies … Continue reading

Riddle on the BBC

  From the Spectator in March: What shocks me about the BBC: occasionally it isn’t biased The corporation’s prejudices are so obvious as to be blinding – and they obscure its baby steps towards impartiality There’s one thing that bothers me a lot about the letter sent by ‘more than 70’ MPs to the director-general of the BBC complaining about bias in its coverage of the Brexit debate. There are … Continue reading

The Tyranny of the Left

  Niall Ferguson writes in the Sunday Times that Trump, bad as he is, is not the tyrant America should fear.  So who is the real tyrant? The modern American left…[it] thirsts to get rid of one of the most fundamental protections that the constitution enshrines: free speech. He goes on to list the Left’s often violent attempts to silence those whose opinions they don’t want to hear and don’t … Continue reading