Up the People….if they vote for Brexit or Trump

    ‘Stand up, all victims of oppression For the tyrants fear your might Don’t cling so hard to your possessions For you have nothing, if you have no rights .’   The BBC’s man of the people The journalist Paul Mason is dead chuffed by a nice review of his book Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere, a study of the Occupy movements, by the American historian Paul Le Blanc. … Continue reading

Canary Canards

  Where is the BBC’s fake news rapid rebuttal service? The BBC’s new favourite radical, Corbyn supporting online rag [which according to the BBC is set to counter the right-wing Red Top attack dogs…like the Mirror?], The Canary, has been pumping out fake news….. Jeremy Hunt should be ashamed of this despicable attack on NHS staff On Friday 14 July, a court handed down a judgement summing up the state … Continue reading

The BBC’s stealth on Health…good news is no news

Per person spending on health care in 2016, a comparison: The US: $9,364 The UK: $4,094 https://t.co/JCHNisFqT9 #HealthSpending pic.twitter.com/EQwHg94FPs — Commonwealth Fund (@commonwealthfnd) July 17, 2017     Over the past week I’ve heard on the BBC that the NHS is failing and that we are lagging desperately behind the rest of the world…hmmm…what I hadn’t heard were the results of the latest Commonwealth Fund survey on health systems from … Continue reading


      On Friday R4 broadcast Labour’s manifesto pledges on the NHS but in a comic voice…though why I don’t know as it was pretty comic to begin with.  I thank you! ‘Polyoaks’, written by a doctor, Phil Hammond, described by the Guardian as “One of the most entertainingly subversive people on the planet.”, was a scathingly political blast on behalf of the NHS….I’m guessing Dr Hammond doesn’t think the … Continue reading

Towering injustice

  Jonathan Freedland and the BBC like to use historical events to understand and inform the present….using their own interpretation naturally.  This week we were treated to a comparison of a fire in Glasgow to the one at Grenfell Tower.…Freedland told us this was a story about those with power and those with too little….in other words we don’t actually neeed an inquiry because Freedland has already passed judgement…it was … Continue reading

Trigger-happy triggered ‘liberals’

    The good news 2007: Ideological conflicts are likely to occur and extremist groups may use violence to achieve political objectives. There may be a resurgence of anti-capitalist ideologies, such as Marxism. Diaspora communities are likely to increase in size and influence and many will bring economic benefits to their host states. However, those that fail to integrate are likely to remain reservoirs for resentment. Some of these groups … Continue reading

Safe spaces for the space cadets

    Mark Steyn on the Liberal-Islamo-Fascist mindset that has polluted the world….       And right on cue…. ‘You wouldn’t tag hummus’ Angry shopper accuses Sainsbury’s of ‘corporate racism’ after he found £3.80 TIN of Jamaican delicacy security tagged in a south London store Speaking to MailOnline, he said: ‘Whether it was an accident or intentional, this is corporate racism at its worst. ‘It’s a metal can of … Continue reading

Heard it on the Gripe Vine

  Vine: “I’m there as having a salary of between £700,000 and £750,000. How do you justify that?” Purnell: “You’re fantastic…”   Tim Vine had the world’s funniest one-liner but his brother, apparently on £80 grand for a one night stand, has prompted the BBC to come up wth their own hilarious killer one-liner…because he’s worth it… “His experience of political, live and overseas reporting means he is also important as a … Continue reading

The BBC reality: left-wing to its very core

Here’s a great post over on The Shy Society….make sure you read it in full. “The BBC is routinely accused of bias from the left and the right – therefore it must actually be pretty centrist,” is the line you often hear. This is a lazy argument and one which we will return to shortly. But let’s just say for a minute that the statement was true and the BBC … Continue reading