Running Scared

    Ian Katz, Newsnight editor, has penned an appeal for mercy, the BBC he insists is doing its very bestest in trying circumstances and yet it is under sustained attack as trust in the media is at an all time low and may go lower. The irony is that it is those whom the BBC spends its time defending and shilling for that are the most aggressive critics of … Continue reading

The Biggest Story Never Told….The Death of a Civilisation

  As Swedish girls are forced to conduct themselves as if in a Muslim country by segregating themselves away from men,‘certain men’ as the sexual attackers are coyly called, such matters rarely, if ever, concern the BBC and many others in the media who wish to sweep such things under the carpet…as Mark Steyn points out…       Timely then that Trump is reminding us that we must defend … Continue reading

The Ministry of [BBC]Truth

    Seems like the BBC isn’t the only media organisation that has decided it should be the organisation that polices the internet and decides what is ‘appropriate’ for you to post on it….curiously it’s that other fake news outlet, CNN, who also thinks it can bully and intimidate people into thinking and speaking only approved thoughts…or else…..   Free speech campaigner Tom Slater, the deputy editor of … Continue reading


A B-BBC reader notes.. “If you want a good example of the bias of the BBC, just take a look at the most recent episode of Frankie Boyle’s New World Order (Series 1 Episode 3) – broadcast on BBC Two. Possibly the most unashamedly biased thing I have ever seen on the BBC. The panel and audience are all left-wing. They insult Theresa May. Insult the DUP. Insult UKIP … Continue reading

‘Gates’ of Vienna?

  The BBC is normally keen to report the words of mega-wealthy philanthropist Bill Gates…no so keen today for some reason as he ponders Europe’s future as it drowns in immigration…. Microsoft founder Bill Gates has warned that Africa’s population explosion will overwhelm Europe unless the continent makes it more difficult for migrants to reach its shores. Gates also spoke of a dilemma caused by ‘the German attitude to refugees’, … Continue reading

More is Less

  As we’ve always pointed out on this site the Islamist trick is to claim that radicalisation is the result of Muslims not being able to freely practise their religion to its full extent…therefore the answer to Islamic ‘radicalisation’ is more Islam…allowing Muslims to live as Muslims….completely….this will make them feel happy and included in society…despite it actually making them far more isolated and alien.  This was the MCB’s argument … Continue reading


Seen this? Jeremy Paxman has criticised the BBC for being ‘biased and politically correct’ and called for the licence fee to be abolished because ‘if Amazon and Netflix can do it, so can they.’ The former BBC man and Newsnight presenter, 67, also criticised the public service broadcaster for focusing stories on ‘the disabled refugee from Syria’ rather than examining how managing a disabled refugee’s needs might affect British taxpayers.