The BBC’s post-election post-truth truth

    Before the election the BBC was always quietly pushing the Remain agenda to subvert Brexit, to either thwart it completely or to reduce its impact so that it essentially meant we continued as were are.  Post the election and all pretence of balance and impartiality have gone out of the window and the BBC openly plugs ‘Remain’…apparently the election result was a vote against May and Brexit….thus we … Continue reading

Choose your news

  Lord Hall Hall objected strongly to any suggestion that the BBC use a subscription fee method to generate its income saying such a system would be far too complicated and costly to implement.  Curious then that the BBC has now been able to make iPlayer unavailable unless you register and have a licence…how difficult would that be to extend to an on demand payment system?  Not very, after all … Continue reading

Project Fear continues courtesy of the BBC

    So who is James Chapman?  You have to ask because the BBC doesn’t tell us in its bulletins as it turns his anti-May, anti-Brexit spin into ‘news’.  All day we have been informed of his opinion that May’s ‘redline’ on the ECJ is untenable and making David Davis’ job impossible….. Theresa May has ‘hamstrung’ David Davis in Brexit talks Theresa May has made David Davis’s job more difficult … Continue reading

Cherchez la femme

Grumpy_Northerner • 6 hours ago Snow – “Yo man, I caught your set at Glasto, epic brother, stone cold, I dig your act dude, the way you stuck it to those Tory squares was rad.” Corbyn – “Respect Jon, respect, the way you don’t stand for no Tory jive is badass cuz.” Woman – “You’re 69 and you’re 68, you’re both privileged, you work for a state owned broadcaster and … Continue reading

Macro Macron story

    May’s refusal to join the TV circus debate with the various other party leaders was the BBC’s top story for, well, forever just about.  It was big news. Contrast the story that the BBC’s latest hero, Macron, has refused to do a Q&A because his thought processes are too complex… “complex thought process lends itself badly to the game of question-and-answer with journalists” Frontpage news on the BBC?…or … Continue reading

Iron clad news

  So the BBC says it has discovered documents that show Grenfell Tower’s proposed cladding was changed from Zinc to aluminium…the BBC are sensationalising this and hyping the suggestion that this caused the fire disaster at the tower because the aluminium cladding was less fire retardant than the zinc…or was it? The BBC have given us three different versions of just how fire retardant the two claddings were…one is that … Continue reading

Holier than thou

  The blessed Frau Merkel has voted against same-sex marriage….but the BBC does not think she is backward and unpleasant as they do the DUP…in fact they think that ‘she will go down in history as the Chancellor who made it possible’ [to have same sex marriage]…despite voting against it.  Gotta love the BBC. Oh look…the DUP are against abortion, as are Sinn Fein and indeed most of Ireland…..and yet … Continue reading

That Big Shining Lie

    Islamic terrorism, radicalisation, extremism?  Nothing to do with Islam.  All to do with Western foreign policy and domestic issues such as Islamophobia, discrimination, marginalisation, joblessness, alienation and disaffection within the Muslim community. Newsnight should know better as it uses a Muslim journalist to tell us her thoughts on why people join ISIS.  Funnily enough she tells us it has nothing to do with her religion, it is all … Continue reading

That Old Productivity Puzzle

  The BBC has spent the last 7 years chuntering on about the ‘productivity puzzle’…it just couldn’t work out why British firms were so unproductive despite the answer being fairly obvious as employment zoomed on ever upwards and wages stagnated.  The BBC’s attack on productivity was of course part of its campaign against austerity which it wanted to blame for what it saw as economic sloth. so what is the … Continue reading