Roughing it

  Sarah Montague was gushing all over Billy Bragg as they talked excitedly about Corbyn appearing at Glastonbury in yet another of his down-with-the-kids PR stunts.  Tory MPs were apparently choking on their full english as they listened in disgust to the BBC pro-Corbyn hype which they declared would, with one more little push, see Corbyn in No10 .  Can’t say they are wrong as Corbyn gets a free ride … Continue reading

Towering Injustice

  1984 documentary that predicted #GrenfellTower — The Agitator (@UKDemockery) June 20, 2017   Who knew?  Who’d-a-thunk eh? Grenfell Tower. You might have thought it was a no-brainer, a 23 storey tower block to be clad in insulation and rain-proof cladding…it’d have to be fire proof, surely?  You wouldn’t wrap a building in flammable material would you when non-combustible materials were available, materials that not only didn’t burn but … Continue reading

What ’caused’ the Finsbury Park attack?

    What caused the Finsbury Park attack?  Was it somehow the Mail and The Sun? No. This is what caused Finsbury Park…..No Muslim terrorism…no ‘blowback’…..and who helped ‘radicalise’ Muslims and thus in turn ‘radicalised’ the Finsbury Park terrorist?  The BBC and Guardian. Blood on their hands. This is not ‘rhetoric’, this is not an inappropriate tone, this is not Islamophobia…this is death, this is terrorism, this is the bloody … Continue reading

The BBC and Guardian…as read by Jihadis everywhere

  The Guardian produced a cartoon image of the van used by the Finsbury Park attacker blaming the Sun and  the Mail for ‘radicalising’ the driver…   Just the usual anti-Mail and Sun slurs that we come to expect….not just from the Guardian but the BBC also which never lets a day go by without some snide passing comment about the Mail and of course blaming the tone of the … Continue reading

Cop Out

    In the last post we had a reminder of the BBC’s extremely partisan reporting on Blacks killed by US police officers…the BBC wrongly claiming that Blacks are more likely than whites to be shot…not true…whites are in fact more likely to be shot…and note that a good proportion of the cops when they do shoot Blacks are in fact Black or other non-white ethnicity. When a black person … Continue reading

Little Black lies

  The BBC continues to try and suggest the shooting of Philando Castile by a US police officer was a cop shooting a man because he was black…never mind that the cop must have plenty of ‘black’ or other non-white heritage himself [photo above]…as with so many other shootings the police officer is not white and the BBC had to rapidly change its own racist narrative about ‘racist’ white police … Continue reading

Seriously? Keep it under your hat.

    The BBC is desperate….frontpage news…. Queen’s Speech: Is the Queen wearing an EU hat? The Queen has opened parliament to lay out the government’s plans for the next two years. At the top of the agenda was Brexit, and as the monarch proposed new laws to prepare the UK for its departure from the European Union (EU), some social users couldn’t help noticing the Queen’s choice of headwear. … Continue reading

The BBC’s dangerous lie…The ‘Bullshit’

What is Islamophobia? Following recent events in the news you might have been hearing a lot about Islam and maybe the term ‘Islamophobia’ – but what does this mean? The UK is full of people who follow lots of different faiths and religions. Most of the time they all get along and people are free to live the way they want to. However, some groups are targeted because of their … Continue reading