Only on the BBC. A muslim woman in full niqab explains why we need integration. BBC lap it up. The BBC is a MENACE, an enabler and a real and present danger to our society. Muslim in London, “Muslims must do more 2 integrate and terrorists are dividing us”, whilst wearing a full face Niqab. Couldn’t make this up — Paul ? (@PaulGAtletico) June 4, 2017 Would be Prime … Continue reading

Every Body Counts

  The BBC…you couldn’t make it up…..will the London terrorist attack be a positive or a negative for you Mr Corbyn?….Yeah says Corbyn…the more bodies the better….lol……Just what did the BBC think he would say to such a crass question?  

Quota Full?

  We’ll give the BBC the benefit of the doubt here and suppose that their quota for white, middle-class, middle-aged Tory voting men was already full as they search for an audience [Might that quota be 0?]… [H/T Craig at Is the BBC biased?  Looks like it don’t it!]….

Is the BBC a ‘safeplace’ for Isamic terrorists and extremists?

BBC criticised over comparison of Anjem Choudary with Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi Mark Easton, the corporation’s Home Editor, criticised Government plans to clamp down on fanatics and questioned what Mandela and Gandhi would think of attempts to silence Choudary.   Theresa May says ‘enough is enough’… Speaking in Downing Street after a meeting of the government’s emergency Cobra committee, the prime minister said the country “cannot and must not … Continue reading

#4Allah   The Telegraph reports that after what looks like a terrorist attack in London the BBC has been told that the attackers shouted ‘This is for Allah’… The Telegraph has reported that an eye witness on London Bridge told the BBC he saw three men stabbing people indiscriminately, shouting “this is for Allah”. The BBC of course haven’t actually put that revelation in any of their reports as far as … Continue reading

Pax-man Islamicus

A few days ago I asked ‘Who was right? Who is the real ‘enemy of the State’?’  Was it Tommy Robinson or Lord Hall and his pro-Islam propaganda machine in light of the attack in Manchester and the BBC’s belated ‘exposure’ of the rapes and abuse in Rochdale?  The BBC film about Rochdale was a shameless attempt to rewrite history and to pretend that the BBC had been at the … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread

A new open thread for the weekend…..the weather’s looking stormy and the BBC is on full-on Mission Implausible mode…get Corbyn elected (holding their noses)….so stay in the warm and hit the keyboard with the bias…only a few days left to the election and the BBC is going all out flooding the airwaves with bias such as Boris ‘says no tax rises’ and then showing a clip of him actually saying … Continue reading

‘Hindu’…pronounced ‘Nazi’ in BBC Newspeak

Ms. Hirsi Ali contends that the West has made a colossal mistake by its obsession with “terror” in the years since 9/11. “In focusing only on acts of violence,” she says, “we’ve ignored the Islamist ideology underlying those acts. By not fighting a war of ideas against political Islam—or ‘Islamism’—and against those who spread that ideology in our midst, we’ve committed a blunder.”  Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Islam’s Most Eloquent Apostate … Continue reading