Silence of the lambs

    The Daily Mail has slammed the BBC with a long list of biased, pro-Labour broadcasting…it could add a lot more this morning. For a start there is absolutely no mention that Corbyn, extremely uncomforatble under questioning about his non-policy on nuclear weapons, refused to make any reply to an audience member’s statement….can’t imagine the BBC letting May get away with that…a stubborn refusal to comment on a serious … Continue reading

The writ’s on the way

  May faced a question from a young woman who said she had mental health issues and was treated badly by the NHS…Andrew Neil tweeted that May should have asked to speak to her later…..he got this response from a Corbyn fan… Coming from someone who sung about " the hanging of Nelson Mandela" when you were a student, that is priceless. I salute your compassion. — neil flek … Continue reading

Strong and stable or smartarse clown?

  Interesting that the ‘debate’ today had an audience that was markedly, to my ear, less loud in its appreciation of Corbyn. You would probably be suspicious that they were picked using a different criteria to the last one…a tweaked model of selection…which might indicate there was a problem[ I see the Tories made a complaint to the BBC….did it have an effect….if so how and why?  Will the BBC … Continue reading

Corbyn’s ‘magic money tree’…found!

  The BBC was always very obliging to Labour in the terms they used to describe Tory policies..the Bedroom Tax of course springs to mind, occasionally with an additional ‘so-called’ prefix as if that made it non-partisan, then we have the more current ‘dementia tax’. What about ‘Garden Tax’?  Will the BBC be using that term, so-called or otherwise?  Unlikely as it is a Tory term for Corbyn’s proposed suggestion … Continue reading

Big Brother’s Big Data

    The BBC has been consistently ‘concerned’ about ‘Big Data’ and social media being used to manipulate what people think and sway their votes….much claiming that Trump and Brexit were won by underhand subterfuge using such methods. Today we learn that Labour has been the fortunate beneficiary of Twitter bots streaming out pro-Corbyn and anti-May messages, not just Labour but the SNP have been disproportionately figuring in the data. … Continue reading

Pittsburgh First Not Paris

  The BBC’s environmental campaigner and pusher of alarmist climate porn, Roger Harrabin, will be burning the midnight oil (carbon neutral] tonight as Trump dumps the deal. What more is there to say except LOL.  And maybe LOL again. Paris climate deal: Trump announces US will withdraw

There can be only won

WM POLL: TORY DEBATE VICTORY– 40% say Amber Rudd won– Corbyn second on 33%, Nuttall 22%– 8,000 voted — Westmonster (@WestmonsterUK) June 1, 2017   So who did win the debate, such as it was? Kuenssberg told us that it should be chalked up to Corbyn….others disagree saying a poll immediately after the debate gave it to Rudd…which would be quite remarkable achievement for her in the face of … Continue reading

Person of no interest…rolling with the rumours

Farage slams "hysterical" attempt to link him with Putin regime by liberal elite unable to accept Brexit and Trump. — Westmonster (@WestmonsterUK) June 1, 2017   More misinformation, guerilla war and the spreading of lies and the MSM…. The Guardian has started slinging mud at Farage….claiming he is a person of interest to US investigators in regard to Trump and Russia…one piece of ‘evidence’ the Guardian puts forward … Continue reading

Alt-Right….smash them. Alt-Left…who?

  The BBC rails against ‘fake news’ [despite it being the biggest provider of that delicacy…otherwise known as ‘tripe’] and more often than not associates it with Right-wing publications or social media sites happily ignoring the proliferation of Left-wing sites, and the Guardian…oh..not quite true…it in fact, far from ignoring them, promotes such sites as valuable providers of news from an alternative perspective…such as the hard-left Skwawkbox, We’ve just mentioned … Continue reading

Gary Linemypocketswithunpaidtaxeker

  Oh dear…the sanctimonious BBC crisp muncher has been through some taxing times it seems…from Guido: Gary Lineker Tax Scheme Loses Court Bid Gary Lineker is among a group of celebrities who have lost a court bid to overturn a £700 million tax bill. The achingly right-on footballer turned self-appointed current affairs expert claimed the press were pursuing a “vendetta” against him over his involvement in the Ingenious film investment scheme, where tax … Continue reading