BBC backpeddling

  Check out the BBC video…it claims Trump ‘inexplicably’ told the Russians the source of the intelligence….even the Washington Post has not claimed that….claiming only that it was the nature of the intel that could have revealed sources and methods…but offers no proof of course as to what was said…. “Our story says that the nature of the information provided would have allowed the Russians to ‘reverse engineer’ to discover … Continue reading

The BBC’s Brexit Doom-mongering Lies

  How is it that the BBC opts to paint this as a negative for Brexit negotiations whilst everyone else, the Remain backing FT included, interpret it as a positive for Britain? Listening to the radio in the car and I hear from the BBC that a recent ECJ ruling concerning an EU-Singapore trade deal means that any deal between the UK and the EU will need ratification by all … Continue reading

Reporting Rumour as Fact…and not bothering with facts at all

  The BBC went out of its way to hunt down Leave voters who may be having doubts, all part of the Remain spin campaign to suggest Brexit was ‘stolen’ by people who didn’t undertsand what they were voting for and when they found out regretted it….except that’s baloney…the truth is it is Remain voters who have turned and expect Brexit to be implemented in due course as efficiently as … Continue reading

Hazing Trump with Alternate Facts

Yesterday, on the same day- I had meetings with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the FM of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin.#LetsMakePeace! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 11, 2017     The Left-Wing media weaponises fake news to attack Trump and the BBC is a willing ally. The BBC reports a Washington Post ‘fake news’ story that Trump revealed secret intelligence to the Russians as real…never mind that the … Continue reading

Army Barmy

  Michael Fallon was quizzed by Marr on Army numbers, Marr saying a promise in the 2015 manifesto to keep regular army numbers above 82,000 has been broken…the BBC’s Reality Check agrees…. The Ministry of Defence publishes monthly figures for the size of the armed forces, the most recent of which are for March this year. It has fallen gradually in the two years since then, so that it now … Continue reading

Obama’s Hero

    Deep joy… As a Harvard Law Student, Barack Obama Said Becoming Donald Trump Was The American Dream In 1991, Obama, a 29-year-old soon-to-be Harvard Law School grad, wrote a paper with a friend, Robert Fisher, called “Race and Rights Rhetoric.” Obama summed up the average American’s mindset with the following sentence: “[Americans have] a continuing normative commitment to the ideals of individual freedom and mobility, values that extend … Continue reading

Railroaded into ‘re-nationalisation’

  Privatisation has been a huge success….playing a critical and successful role in the economy. The network is a victim of its own success. Britain’s railways are the most improved in Europe It was found to deliver good value for money. We have the safest and fastest-growing railway in Europe. According to a Eurobarometer poll, satisfaction with rail of UK respondents is the second highest in the EU, behind Finland. … Continue reading

Better Red Than Tory

Consider this from Corbyn’s manifesto… Labour will halt the NHS “Sustainability and Transformation Plans” which are looking at closing health services across England and ask local health groups to redraw the plans with a focus on patient need rather than available finances. Corbyn is suggesting there will be absolutely no limit to spending on the NHS.  Any criticism from the BBC for that completely fanciful, not to mention dishonest and … Continue reading

Mindset and MisMatch

  This is the view of the BBC on Muslims in the UK…   Male, Muslim and marginalised Mahtab Hussain’s photographic portraits of Muslim men in the UK explore complex themes of identity and marginalisation. He says Muslim men in Britain have had a “plethora of labels” thrown on them, from terrorist to sexual groomer, and that they are struggling to find their place in society. The problem, as the … Continue reading