Simply Red

  What has been one of the major news stories today, one that the BBC has been giving priority to throughout the day? BBC cameraman run down by Corbyn perhaps?  Well nothing that exciting.  Labour’s deputy leader, Tom Watson, has been in the Guardian revealing the bombshell news that Labour might get beaten in the coming election..and beaten by a landslide.  What’s new, what’s news, about that?  Nothing.  However the … Continue reading

Robinson Crusoe

  Nick Robinson has allegedly been sidelined by the BBC for this election in favour of younger presenters…he’s not happy… Veteran star Nick Robinson, 53, at war with BBC bosses as he’s left off General Election team in favour of young female stars VETERAN presenter Nick Robinson is at war with BBC bosses after being left out of the election team. Young stars Steph McGovern, 34, and Tina Daheley, 36, … Continue reading

Katty Kay in Dogged Daze

  What world does Katty Kay live in?  Her own little personal post-truth bubble presumably.  Why did Trump sack Comey?  Because Trump is a thin-skinnned, grumpy, crazy, old man. Is Trump’s thin skin getting in the way of his presidency? What if the Comey firing is nothing to do with the Russia probe or the Clinton email server but is actually just a result of the president’s thin-skinned character? And … Continue reading

We’re Doomed

Remember the BBC’s hyperbolic, apocalypic doom-mongering about ‘austerity’?… When you sit down and read the Office for Budget Responsibility report it reads like a book of doom. It is utterly terrifying, suggesting that spending will have to be hacked back to the levels of the 1930s as a proportion of GDP. That is an extraordinary concept, you’re back to the land of Road to Wigan Pier. “The scale of cuts … Continue reading

The Kuenssberg Iceberg delusion

  Kuenssberg has been pushing the idea that it is possible and morally acceptable to bin Brexit, to betray those who voted in the referendum to leave the EU….just vote Labour and seee your EU dreams come true!…what she misses, apart from the fact that such a move would indeed be a betrayal, not just of the voters but of democracy itself, is that most people, even Remain voters, now … Continue reading

Highland Sting

  The BBC are being highly misleading in their reports of what the Scottish Conservative leader, Ruth Davidson, said today about government restrictions to welfare for families with more than two children.  Davidson said, in an interview with Emma Barnett on 5 Live [12:12], that she thought the rules on welfare were entirely right but if on implementation they were found not to work as intended then she was prepared … Continue reading

Comey of errors

  The BBC was pumping out excited, conspiratorial, sensationalist stories about Trump’s sacking of Comey yesterday, even suggesting this smacked of Nixonian intrigue and coverup.  Trouble is in all their reporting, on the radio at least, they missed out, funnily enough, the crucial fact that told the lie to their version of events….that Trump sacked Comey after he had misled Congress last week…the BBC were reporting he had been sacked … Continue reading

Chaos? What Chaos?

  Someone has leaked the Corbynista manifesto…..or is it merely a photocopy of an old 1970’s one found in a bin somewhere? The Telegraph spells out the truly dramatic implications of Corbyn’s giant leap backwards… Leaked Labour’s General Election manifesto – their plan to take Britain back to the 1970s And… Labour has produced a fantasy-land blueprint for a socialist Britain The late Sir Gerald Kaufman famously dubbed the 1983 … Continue reading

Hake News

  The BBC loves fake news, so much so that it set up a special unit to hunt it down and expose those who create and exploit such deplorably misleading misinformation. The BBC also loves telling us that the government has stitched up secret deals with businesses to persuade them to stick with the UK after Brexit.  When Nissan went away happy after a meeting with May the BBC spent … Continue reading