I was interested to see the BBC afford Brendan Cox, the husband of murdered Labour MP Jo Cox, the media time to push his “time for remembrance” agenda yesterday on the Marr programme and then throughout the day. Marr expressed his best wishes to the campaign being pushed by Cox.  Today marks the anniversary of the savage murder of Lee Rigby. The BBC makes no mention of it and no … Continue reading

Rolling Stones Over and Finding…Nothing?

  The BBC told us that Trump dodged the bullet after having criticised Obama for doing the same and avoided linking Islam and terrorism in the same sentence in his speech in Saudi Arabia…. He did not include the controversial phrase “radical Islamic terrorism”. In the past, he has criticised his predecessor, Barack Obama, and others for not employing these terms, considered offensive by many Muslims. Clearly they weren’t listening … Continue reading

Reporter’s Report Card

  Journalists apparently are enthusiastic, work hard if not smart, and are dogged to the point of stupidity…. Journalists drink too much, are bad at managing emotions, and operate at a lower level than average, according to a new study Journalists’ brains show a lower-than-average level of executive functioning, according to a new study, which means they have a below-average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve complex problems, … Continue reading

‘Noble’ Nobblers

  I haven’t watched the BBC’s three part series on the events in Rochdale, I know what happened and why…and I know why the BBC has produced this programme as it comes so late to the party….Do we need pious, self-serving BBC shows to teach us anything? The Authorities, and that includes the BBC, buried their heads in the sand for years as hundreds of white girls, maybe up to … Continue reading

Zilch from Zurcher

  There’s no evidence, no source, no documents…just phone calls in the night to newspapers that hate Trump and yet the BBC reports… Evidence mounts – Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America reporter Donald Trump called the ongoing Russia investigation a “witch hunt”, but reporters have just found a boiling cauldron and a closet full of broomsticks. The key takeaway from these latest blockbuster stories – there have been so many … Continue reading

The Past Truth Era

  They say the past is another country, certainly the BBC’s rewrite of our past makes Britain unrecognisable to most people, but truth itself is pretty unrecognisable if left in the BBC’s care.  History is a Past Truth Era for the BBC, one to be altered at will to suit the present and to shape the future to their liking. Consider the Obama loving Justin Webb.  The archetypal, stereotypical, dyed-in-the-wool … Continue reading

A Blitz from the past

  A living history lesson The BBC, most recently in the shape of Mardell and Bowen, disregard history and context at will in order to push a particular narrative of events in the Middle East.  They should realise that the ISIS blitz is an echo from the past…a modern day recreation of the first Islamic conquests by Muhammed…..the difference being that ISIS are unlikely to succeed long term considering the … Continue reading