Emotional BBC reporter punches cameraman at football match

  Alternate facts….how, with a change of perspective, to turn a drama into a crisis…. BBC sports reporter, Jacqui Oatley, is being investigated after allegedly assaulting a BBC cameraman whilst reporting on a woman’s football match.  The incident is being looked into by the BBC as well as the Football Association to whom Oatley has provided her own observations about the alleged attack. Oatley has expressed her regret at the … Continue reading

Such Respect

  On the day of PC Keith Palmer’s funeral, the BBC decides to play a clip about ‘Plebgate’ and Andrew Mitchell ….is this a deliberately sly attempt to try and defame and malign Mitchell, a not so subtle comparison of the death of a brave police officer who died defending politicians with the politician who allegedly insulted a police officer at Downing Street? The BBC stooping so low?  Of course … Continue reading

The Revolution will be televised…and just as well.

  Look at this video of the EDL rally and you can see that it completely contradicsts the heroic Islamic girl’s tale…that she was coming to the rescue of a woman in a hijab, that she was under attack and that there was no minute of silence….. At around 29:20-29:40 the speaker on stage announces the beginning of the minute’s silence…. “We’re going to start the minute’s silence. Please bow … Continue reading

Did Gordon Brown rig Libor?

  The BBC has been reporting all day that a recording of a phone call has implicated the Bank of England in the Libor rigging scandal…..this is what was said on the phone in 2008… “The bottom line is you’re going to absolutely hate this … but we’ve had some very serious pressure from the UK government and the Bank of England about pushing our Libors lower.” How is it … Continue reading

#Lying BBC

  The BBC reports that an heroic Muslim girl has stepped in to save another being viciously assaulted by EDL thugs… A viral photo of a woman smiling at an English Defence League (EDL) protester in Birmingham was snapped after she stepped in to defend a “fellow Brummie”, she has told the BBC. The image of Saffiyah Khan has been shared thousands of times since it was taken at Saturday’s … Continue reading

The Reality

  The BBC likes to drum up a vision of a nastier, more racist Britain due to Brexit but is not so keen to suggest that maybe Europe is a nastier more racist, homophobic, sexist place after so much Muslim immigration.  Is it not a discussion worth having when so much of that immigration is occurring…surely the consequences should be considered and the citizens of Europe warned as the BBC … Continue reading

Sweden, where the central heating is a must.

  Be aware that the following post contains graphic illustrations of a sexual nature….     Came across this after following link on previous post……Swedish safe sex guidance for immigrants, all very inclusive…….welcome to Sweden…. Sexual health is an important part of most people’s lives and you need to know what healthcare services are available, and how you can protect yourself and others from hiv and sexually transmitted diseases (also … Continue reading