It’s a mad, mad, mad world…except in North Korea

  The BBC continues to portray Trump as mad, demented, crazed, bonkers, deluded, paranoid, insane, completely off his rocker…evidence?  None…but he does want to keep out illegal immigrants and Muslim terrorists…so he must be mad…yeah?.  However, Kim Jong-un, leader of North Korea, who has enemies killed in various ingenius and interesting ways, as well as starving his people into submission and wants to start a war with everyone… is apparently … Continue reading


BBC have landed themselves in it over this! “The BBC‘s Asian Network has provoked uproar by asking its Twitter followers ‘what is the right punishment for blasphemy?’ A video posted on its account shows Muslim activist Shazia Awan asking followers to get in touch and offer their opinions on how blasphemy should be dealt with. Her assumption that blasphemy – which is still punishable by death in some Muslim countries – should also be … Continue reading


A B-BBC reader gives us a historical update by the BBC… “I watched a program on BBC2  on the 14 march, “1066: A year to conquer England.” I was surprised to see that Robert de Beaumont (second in command to William the conquerer) was played by one Jotham Annan,who is a BLACK actor. Robert de Beaumont later became 1st Earl of Leicester, he was not black.’ Can’t say I am in the … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader writes “A few weeks ago BBC reported this story: about a black woman who was given a tiny tip along with a racist message that was scrolled on the receipt.  She received widespread publicity, and a fund raising campaign was set up for her, with a few thousand dollars raised.  It now turns out that the receipt may well have been faked, by herself. I asked BBC … Continue reading

Trucker Trauma

  A nightmare, an absolute nightmare…how do people cope with the horrendous working conditions?….No, Not Sgt Blackman who served several operational tours each lasting 6 months in which he would have lived in extremely basic conditions, probably living off ration packs most of the time, no running water or toilets, sleeping in cramped, hot, dusty places with the constant threat of rockets or mortars, probably under fire every day, on … Continue reading

One Blackman the BBC doesn’t like

  Sgt Blackman’s conviction for shooting a mortally wounded Taliban terrorist is reduced from murder to manslaughter…justice is served…the BBC’s reaction, as given to us by Tony Livesey a couple of minutes ago [around 17:30] on 5 Live, is that perhaps we should be giving some justice to the Taliban fighter. Blackman’s lawyer, Jonathan Goldberg, essentially, very politely, well, not really, told Livesey to fuck off and stick his political … Continue reading

Tax-idermy…The Media stuffs itself

  The BBC is very excited…there’s been a huge leak…Trump’s 12 year old, 2005 tax returns have been made public…well, parts of it…it’s their top, headlining story…. Top Stories Donald Trump 2005 tax return leaked Financial details revealed by a US TV network trigger an angry response from the White House. Shame that in 2016 the Wall Street Journal published the story already…. Donald Trump Got a Big Break on … Continue reading

The VolksBandWagen Ist Rolling

Have to laugh at the complete historical illiteracy of those who say that we are heading back to the thirties as the great unwashed vote for the Nazis once again….otherwise known as Brexit…from Guido… LibDem peer Lord Taverne with the maddest contribution to the Brexit bill debate last night: “It is a very dangerous step towards the doctrine that the people’s will must always prevail. My Lords, this is the … Continue reading