Complete rubbish from the BBC

  A former Obama administration official who knew Kalugin called his mention in the dossier “a head scratcher” because Kalugin was so capable in his economic job.  McClatchy The BBC is going big on the Russian angle and is claiming that a Russian diplomat was withdrawn in a hurry to cover his tracks…because he was a spy, a spy that helped Trump steal the election…despite the BBC admitting there is … Continue reading

EU fake news operation

  The BBC et al went to town on the Russians [and by alleged association Trump] for interfering in the democratic process of the US election by hacking, no proof yet that they did, Clinton’s and the Dem’s emails.  Apparently this providing to the American electorate of information about Clinton’s and the Dem’s activities and thoughts, often at odds with what they said in public, was anti-democratic…not sure how that … Continue reading

Been there, done that and got the film deal

  BBC desperate to push heroic blacks battling against the odds narrative…if it was the same narrative as the BBC uses for Brexit they might as well give up now….. The Nigerian bobsleigh team racing towards history Fighting freezing winds, bone-breaking speed and up to five g-force, the Nigerian women’s bobsleigh team are training hard in western Canada. Their practice times on the ice run are fast – and they … Continue reading

You Tubes

  Funny old world…does anyone at the BBC have a clue? They make the iPlayer inaccessible for anyone without a licence and yet chuck stuff on YouTube for free…   The question has to be asked…what is the point of the iPlayer when the BBC could have a channel on YouTube and what was the point of spending £100 million on a digital archive, that never materialised, when they could … Continue reading

No Prime Minister

  It must be great to have the national broadcaster on your side, championing your cause and throwing doubt on your opponent’s arguments, sowing confusion about their aims, generating a vision of apocalyptic doom and gloom upon your opponent’s cause.  Yep, the EU must be overjoyed to have the BBC on its side. The BBC is having a field day telling May & Co what they can and cannot have … Continue reading

Pienaar’s politics…pro-EU?

  Just listening to Jon Pienaar giving us his EU analysis…apparently the extravagant promises made by the Brexit campaign are now facing the harsh light of reality…er…what ‘promises’ never mind ‘extravagant’ ones?  No one promised anything other than to leave the EU in the belief that we could then control our borders and politics…the intent was to control our own borders and who we let into the country. Pienaar says … Continue reading

Hitler films the Concentration camps and asks what’s the problem?

  The BBC made a secret film, never seen before but we can reveal it here now…Hitler was allowed to make a film about his concentration camps asking the Jewish inmates why they were so frantic to leave…after all weren’t the camps just like Butlins?  Why leave? In fact the BBC has quite extraordinarily allowed the fanatical pro-EU Nick Clegg, married to the fanatical pro-EU Mrs Clegg [always welcome on … Continue reading

Small but telling

  Always interesting what you turn up when idly roaming the web…..The NUJ was concerned about ‘social media‘ in February 2016….and seems quite put out that politicians now have an outlet to allow them to make their own voice heard without the media filtering them… We can’t ignore social media, whether we like it or not. For good or ill it is shaping our industry in many ways. Whether it … Continue reading