Radio Free Movement

  The BBC really is pushing the boat out for immigration today…which is remarkable as the BBC is renowned for not wanting to talk about immigration, for wanting to suppress debate, so much so that they habitually resort to the very sinister and Stalinist tactic of show-trialling anyone who dares to challenge the orthodoxy that immigration is good and that Islam represents no threat to Western civilisation, denouncing such heretics … Continue reading

Bloody Sunday

    Heard some of Sunday yesterday just as Roy Hatterseley was brought in to plug his book about the persecution of Catholics in Britain…apparently Catholics survived by sticking rigorously to their faith.  In the usual BBC way this was undoubtedly meant to be a ‘lesson from history’ that parallels Muslim experience of ‘suffering’ in Britain today…good that the BBC should be advising them to be even more fundamentalist.  Amused … Continue reading

Start The Week Open Thread

Had the joy of watching some of the BBC’s ‘Doctors’ soap…even here the propaganda runs deep as a quote from the Bible was turned into an opportunity to promote the Koran as well….a character stating ‘I read the Bible, and the Koran, it makes me a better person’…or some such waffle along those lines.  I’m sure a working class likely lad would be reading both the Bible and the Koran…but … Continue reading

Dead Wrong

  Gerald Kaufman has died and the BBC used it as a chance to have a go at Mrs Thatcher.  Kaufman was 86 years old and must have said some nice things in his time but the BBC chose a somewhat unpleasant attack on Thatcher as something to remember him by…Nick Robinson certainly seemed to approve. The BBC, statesman-like, responsible, fair, accurate and truthful, or the same type of scumbag, … Continue reading

The Whole Truth and Nothing Like The Truth

  The BBC has been pumping out reports insinuating that Syrian filmmaker Khaled Khatib was stopped from going to the US by some devious Trump trick despite having been issued a visa by the US…the BBC is still reporting today that this is so…[A report from 13:00 today] However, White Helmets’ cinematographer Khaled Khateeb was unable to attend the Oscars ceremony after being barred from boarding a flight from Turkey, … Continue reading

Oh No! Not Sir MO!!??

    The BBC relentlessly hunted down Bradley Wiggins and all but called him a drug cheat despite there being no evidence of that whilst in contrast they gave Mo Farrah the all clear despite him missing two drug checks and his coach being investigated for alleged drugs infringements.  Mo is black, an immigrant and Muslim, Wiggins is a successful white, working class British male….any reason the BBC chose to … Continue reading


Seen this? The BBC has appointed a second Muslim executive to be in charge of religious television programming after attracting criticism previously from those who thought the job should go to a Christian. Gosh. I never seen that one coming… The corporation has appointed Fatima Salaria, a BBC editor who commissioned Muslims Like Us, a reality-style show, and a series of programmes about radicalisation. She attracted criticism last year by giving … Continue reading


Great news! Media groups have reacted angrily after several, including the BBC, were barred from an informal briefing with White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer. It’s time Fake News anti-Trump merchants such as the BBC were shown the door by the White House. Well done Sean Spicer. Just wait for the extra venom to flow ….


  A massive vote of confidence in May’s Brexit policy in Copeland?  I don’t know because curiously the BBC report doesn’t even mention Brexit in the Copeland …a 51.3% turnout in Copeland, a mere 36.7% in Labour held Stoke. The only mention of Brexit was in relation to Stoke in a dig at UKIP [who of course were targeted hard by the media and a bit of Hillsborough fall-out]… The … Continue reading