The Douzey that is the Dozy Doucet

  Three very seriously and dangerously subversive anti-Western, anti-Trump narratives in one interview from Lyse Doucet to which I referred earlier but Craig at Is the BBC biased? [hell yeah] has helpfully gone to the huge effort of transcribing…. First, that terrorism is our fault and that any action we take to tackle it only angers Muslims more and radicalises them more.  Doucet says this is a ban on all … Continue reading


It’s not just a BIASED broadcaster, it’s disreputable and a menace. BBC coverage of President Trump’s first week has been a scandal and as I write this it is foaming at the mouth about a non-existing ‘Muslim Ban”. Just about EVERY BBC presenter (including, lamentably Andrew Neil) is hostile to Trump and their studios are full of “experts” who come to damn Trump. There is NO pretence at balance, this … Continue reading

Assassinate Trump…it’s the liberal way

  Thanks to Guest Who for this… Of course one assassination attempt has already been made on Trump, by a Brit, undoubtedly influenced by the BBC’s sensationalist and scaremongering fake news stories that constantly labelled Trump a racist, a sexist and an Islamophobe and repeatedly built on the idea that Trump would bring about the end of the world as we know it with a rise in racism, fascism and … Continue reading

‘We’ are the Enemy

  The BBC has trotted out the usual narrative that Trump’s temporary ban on people entering the US from certain countries of concern to Obama will fuel terrorism.  I might suggest the sensationalist, mendacious and false reporting of the BBC actually fuels terrorism as it gives unwarranted credibility and justification to the radical recruiters and terrorists. Others have similar concerns about the likes of the BBC’s pro-terror narrative…from Terra Incognita… … Continue reading

The Muslim ‘Ban’

  Looking at the BBC frontpage there are endless reports linked to the Trump immigration action and yet not a lot of actual facts.  Pretty much a fact free zone…much like this story about Mo Farrah….a full-on British citizen so really should have no trouble entering the US…but the BBC works it into a scandal…Mo is upset…he’s an ‘alien’… “On 1 January this year, Her Majesty The Queen made me … Continue reading

The BBC’s Toxic Anti-Trump Venom

  Switched the radio on and 10 minutes in the BBC had already managed to disseminate a stream of ludicrous but toxic, poisonous, messages of hate towards Trump.  Guess I was just lucky to tune in at that time.  So unusual for the BBC to be spreading such venomous fear, loathing and hostility about Trump. They took a gleeful pleasure in reading out the Observer/Guardian view of Trump along with … Continue reading


  I’ve been searching the news sites but surprisingly have found absolutely no outraged cries denouncing the BBC because of its Islamophobia, racism, anti-Muslim bigotry, discrimination and misuse of licence-payers’ money to stoke anti-Muslim feeling with the blackest of racist propaganda from the usual sources such as the somewhat creepy Ibrahim Mogra of the Muslim Brotherhood front group, the Muslim Council of Britain. Surprising because the BBC has been filming … Continue reading

No Evidence?

President Obama was asked during the campaign last year if illegal immigrants had anything to fear from federal authorities if they voted in the presidential race. “Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting,” he was asked on a Latino YouTube channel. “‘So if I vote, will Immigration know where I live? Will they … Continue reading


Appropriately for a philosopher, he identifies post-modernism and relativism as the intellectual roots “lurking in the background” of post-truth. So that’ll be the BBC’s fault then as it relativises its news and tells us there is no  such thing as good and bad…everything is equally of value….culture, religion and no such thing as ‘Britishness’. Matthew Parris, essentially Justin Webb in drag, openly articulates what the BBC employees must wish they … Continue reading