Check Hate

  The BBC is always keen to press the ‘Brexit what done it‘ button when it comes to finding a cause for hate crime…perhaps they should think again before spreading such politically motivated slurs ….[H/T Guido]… ESSEX Police has refused to blame the vote to leave the EU for the rise in hate crime despite reporting the biggest rise since comparable records began. The majority of the nation’s police forces … Continue reading

Northern Delights

What event was Trump referring to when he mentioned Sweden?  We don’t know [Trump has confirmed that he was referring to a report on Fox about the effects of migration on Swedish society…and note he never referred to ‘an attack’, terrorist or otherwise, in his speech…and yet all his critics say he did…just who is providing the fake news as well as burying their heads in the sand about migration?]. … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread

Anyone who is concerned about mass, uncontrolled immigration, those of you whom the BBC suggests might be spiteful, drunken Far Right Nazis who want to gas immigrants in concentration camps, feel free to have your say about the BBC’s world view on the new open thread…. Oh..and don’t feel that the BBC is singling you out for special treatment…oh no…Trump and his supporters get tarred with the same brush as … Continue reading

Sopel Opera

    Who is more self-important, full of bluster and bull, the BBC’s Jon Sopel or The Donald?  Jon Sopel edges it I think. The BBC is very pleased with its boy after his rudeness to Trump at the impromptu press conference and has been replaying his ‘impartial, free and fair’ joust with the President throughout the day with glee.   The Today show naturally had a pop at Trump and … Continue reading

Golden Shower

  Why is the BBC spending taxpayers’ money to perpetuate the fairy tale of a golden age of Islam? Why is the Beeb peddling a PC myth that is skewed and reductionist at best and ideologically freighted and erroneous at worst? The BBC’s re-creation of the Middle Ages depicts Cordoba in Muslim Spain with ‘street lighting and running water.’ In contrast Londoners ‘lived in timber-framed houses and used the river … Continue reading

Pankaj Mischief

The Obligation of Jihad “Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) hath Allah promised good. But those who strive and fight hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,” Quran Chapter 4: The Women, verse 95 Graeme Wood’s The Way of the Strangers: Encounters … Continue reading

Incoming V Encumbants

As with Donald T. Trump anyone coming in to drain the swamp had better watch out…the inhabitants of the swamp won’t take it lying down. There’s going to be a new editor for the Today programme and already she’s shaking things up and disturbing the entrenched orthodox… BBC slaps down new Today programme editor over pledge to open Thought for the Day to humanists The new editor of the Today … Continue reading

Been There, Done That

    Der Spiegel seems a bit behind the times as it suggests.. It’s High Time for a European Broadcasting Service Propaganda spreads faster on social media than serious information and we’ve just experienced what an election looks like in the post-factual world. The European Union should launch its own broadcasting channel to counter the lies, draw Europe together and defend democracy. The EBC would not be, and should not … Continue reading

Those Evil F***ing Jews

The BBC are up to their old tricks again, vilifying the ‘Israelis’ and blaming them for all the violence in the world. FOOC visited Lebanon where we are told everyone is getting along famously now, Muslim and Christian living in a wonderful multicultural utopia.  Just one fly in the ointment…those Jews across the border. After several heartwarming tales of mutual respect and cooperation and Muslim/Christian knees-ups, the piece finished with … Continue reading