Good to see that the BBC is dealing with all the BIG issues. Take this one… “An internet search for black dolls will bring up about 20 million results in less than a second – but parents have discovered the toys to be increasingly hard to find on the shelves of High Street stores. Why is this?” Yip, this is the sort of deranged SJW crap that the BBC specialises … Continue reading

Close but no cigar

    Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency said “I would lose all respect for a whole bunch of foreign intelligence agencies if they weren’t sitting back, paging through the emails.“     The Guardian is convinced Trump was elected with Russian help…. Russian hackers were able to access thousands of emails from a top-ranking Democrat after an aide typed the word “legitimate” … Continue reading

BBC Breaking: Official: ‘Obama Russian Agent’ says Washington Post

  The BBC is reporting a Washingon Post breaking story that President Obama is a Russian agent…the Presidency has been hacked… From the Washington Post: The Washington Post can reveal that US government officials have announced that the President of the United States, Barack Obama, is under investigation as astounding information has come to light that he has been working for the Russian intelligence services for at least two decades … Continue reading

Liberal Gangsterism

    Leave Voters, the new Jews of Europe? Who are the Fascists, who are the Gangsters? Farage wants to control immigration.  He is denounced by the BBC as a Fascist, a Nazi even.  But is he the Fascist? Or, are those who want to control what you say, what you think, how you behave, who want to control every aspect of your life, the real Fascists?’  We have been … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread

  The BBC continues to press ahead with its promotion of the liberal’s mythical utopian project that, as with Corbyn, fails to reflect reality and the facts.  Whether Brexit or Trump the BBC buries its head in the sand and refuses to acknowledge reality and why it happened. They keep talking about Brexit solely through an economic lens and, despite the evidence, try to paint a picture of doom and … Continue reading

Just Desserts

        Nothing to do with BBC bias but it is such an important issue that I think it needs addressing. Richard Hammond, of The Grand Tour, Neé Top Gear, is getting a spanking from the Gay fraternity for suggesting ice cream is ‘gay’….check out the outrage here. Hammond must have read this piece from the Daily Stormer… Then the trend became clear: gay and lesbian couples are … Continue reading

Boxing Day Open Thread

  Hope you all got the socks you wanted from Santa and may the baby Jesus guide you  to the best bargains in the sales.  However back to business here and a new year is fast approaching…a new year but same old bias…..The BBC’s new year revolution?  No more bias?  Guess that’ll be broken day one.  If so you know the drill…..

Mail on the ball

  Damn, the Mail’s fast this morning.  Heard Kuenssberg on Today this morning say she was told that the Queen said she backed Brexit but didn’t report it as only one source…of course such high ethical and professional standards never stopped her ‘reporting’, or printing the legend as fact, that Boris was only backing Leave as a cunning ploy to snatch the Tory leadership…however the ease and readiness with which … Continue reading