Christmas Crackers

Contemporary anti-Semitism has been particularly prevalent on British university campuses since 2001 when the UN Conference against Racism in Durban accused Israel of the five cardinal sins against human rights: racism, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, attempted genocide, and crimes against humanity. Since then campus anti-Semitism has been cloaked in the language of human rights and promulgated in the so-called fight for Palestine; and student supporters of Israel have consequently been labelled … Continue reading


  Oh look…. UK third quarter GDP growth revised up to 0.6% The UK economy grew by 0.6% in the third quarter, according to official figures, faster than previous estimates. Oh and look… “ONS statistician Darren Morgan said: “Robust consumer demand continued to help the UK economy grow steadily in the third quarter of 2016.  Growth was slightly stronger than first thought, though, due to greater output in the financial … Continue reading

Mark Easton Does a Nick Clegg

    Mark Easton has always been extremely biased and not worth his salt as a journalist.  His ‘journalism’ consists mostly of telling us a very one-sided narrative about immigration….sitting on the BBC breakfast couch one morning a few years ago he treated us to his opinion, presented as ‘fact’ of course, that immigration is good, unstoppable and we’d better just get used to it and learn to like it. … Continue reading

Merry BBC ‘Holidays’ to one and all….just not Jews

  Astonishing no?  A very serious statement that Jews are being driven out of universities by anti-Semitism and it is not being dealt with for fear of upsetting Muslim benefactors to the universities isn’t reported by the BBC….only mentioned in passing in the ‘What the papers say’….not on the front page, not on the UK page, not even on the education page…just a note in passing….. The BBC is massively … Continue reading

Muslim First

  Today has shown perfectly why you should despair if you think ‘radical’ Islam is a problem for Europe. A Muslim drives a truck into a Christmas [Christian] market killing 14, injuring many in a deliberate attack. What is the response from the BBC, the intelligence community, Royalty towards a radical Islam that is at war with the West?  Not the real threat. Instead blame the Right, warn of the … Continue reading

The BBC’s Media Jihad

The BBC and the Great and the Good bemoan the rise of the Far-Right, the Right itself, of ‘Populism’, that voice of the People so long suppressed and silenced by the BBC and the Great and the Good, now exercising their democratic rights. They tell us the great Liberal project is under attack, from the Right, and that we are in great danger, the Thirties loom over us again….why?  Take … Continue reading


When the news broke of the Berlin Christmas market attack, the BBC was right to the fore in initially presenting it as somehow a lorry had attacked the people enjoying the Market. I half expected them to release a photo line up of possible suspects. When they had to grudgingly admit that the suspect was an illegal immigrant, I thought they might cry. 2016 may not have given us that … Continue reading

Muslim Media Jihad

  I’m sure you’ve all seen this….a Muslim is removed from a plane because he spoke Arabic…. A YouTube star’s video about his removal from a Delta Air Lines flight has gone viral across social media. Adam Saleh told the BBC he was asked to get off the London-New York flight on Wednesday after speaking to his mother in Arabic on the phone. He said a fellow passenger had expressed … Continue reading


Guest post here from a B-BBC reader.. “The BBC – and the whole MSM – can’t help but create a total paradox when it comes to the representation of Islam. When an Islamic terrorist attacks, the line is quickly wheeled out that jihadists do not represent the clear majority of Muslims. This may well be true but there are plenty of surveys that a small (but significant) number of Muslims do support … Continue reading