Give the EU the Wellington Boot

  Two hundred years on from the Battle of Waterloo and Britain finds itself once again in the frontline defending the independence of Europe from the imperial designs of a dictatorship that is aided and abetted by enemies within. Reading a book, ‘Of Living Valour: The Story of the Soldiers of Waterloo’, and the similarities to today are striking.  The British people in revolt against an elitist tyranny that rules … Continue reading


  Perhaps what we need is an “epistocracy”, where “votes are in some way weighted according to basic political knowledge”, says Brennan. In short, let’s have IQ tests and give greater power to the clever over the dumb.   Educated?  What does that mean? The BBC’s assertion is that those who voted for Brexit and for Trump are uneducated, we’ll ignore the other smears about them being racists and bigots, … Continue reading

Stonewall Jackass   A sample of the BBC’s latest dignified, thoughtful and impartial examination of Brexit [H/T Craig at Is the BBC biased?]… Since the Brexit vote, Europeans suspect endearing eccentricity has morphed into unpredictable irrationality. The UK has become the tipsy, tweedy uncle, who after too much Christmas sherry has tipped over into drunkenly abusive bore. BBC Newswatch…The BBC holding itself to account…or not….of course. The above video is of … Continue reading

Now You See Her: BBC Newsnight and The Vanishing Trump Advocate

A guest post by David Sedgwick, courtesy of If you thought you had seen the worst of BBC petulance and spite in its coverage of the US election, then you’d be very wrong. On the day Donald Trump officially became the 45th President of the United States, the state-funded broadcaster went into some kind of psychotic meltdown. Denial has finally given way to rage. Until Trump delivered his inauguration … Continue reading

Yet More BBC Fake News

  I was interested to hear from a BBC presenter that Russian hacking and fake news played an important part in Trump’s election…fact.  Also Trump was smeared by the BBC’s sly comment that he was endorsd by the KKK.  Well he may have been but so was Hillary Clinton…and indeed Ronald Reagan. Curiously the BBC for some reason doesn’t tell us that Clinton was so endorsed….   The Independent in … Continue reading

Retail Therapy

  You may remember the BBC almost totally ignored the remarkable recent PMI figures which suggested industry was on the up when previously, as the PMI dipped below the magic figure of 50, it loudly and repeatedly broadcast that fact and how terrible it was for the economy throughout the day.  Similarly the BBC has been gleefully trumpeting the ‘fact’ that December’s retail sales have been less than November’s this … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread

  On the same day that the BBC glorifies the terrorist murderer who was a commander in the IRA as it killed men, women and children, Martin McGuinness, and who is still proud and unrepentant for all that he did, it asks you if you are appalled and disgusted by Donald Trump. #BBCvalues. A new open thread for the weekend…all yours….

Kill Trump

“This is a dark moment in American history.” The torrent of abuse, contemptuous mockery and sanctimonious lies continues to flood out of the BBC’s finest…including one senior ‘journalist’ who retweeted a joke about assassinating Trump. Even Trump’s abstinence from alcohol becomes a vehicle for the BBC to attack him…the chosen headline photo being of another President…Nixon….despite Nixon not being teetotal… We hear that….’ Mr Trump has eschewed alcohol his whole … Continue reading

Mid-Week Open Thread

Unemployment down, wages rising at 2.7%…but the BBC told us that that was ‘nothing to celebrate’…the jobs are all rubbish, low-skilled and low paid, part-time jobs[em…no they’re not] and wage inequality is a huge problem…that’ll be despite the ONS telling us the other day that wage inequality was continually reducing and was back to the levels of the 1980’s. [BBC ignores fact that the Rich are paying huge sums in … Continue reading

Hard Pounding

    It just wasn’t supposed to be like this….for the last few days we’ve been assured by the BBC that when May makes her big Brexit speech the Pound will crash.  Well it hasn’t…it’s gone up.  How long before we hear of the first business to stop trading because of the high pound caused by, em, Brexit?   Farron…what a prick, to be blunt….the guy is utterly, utterly delusional…..the … Continue reading